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26 de octubre de 20231 minute read

Webinar: Ripples of activity in stormy seas: six M&A trends in the insurance sector

Through global economic uncertainty, inflation and interest rates, Global M&A in the insurance sector became much more complex in 2022. However, deal numbers haven't decreased as much as expected, with long-term trends in repositioning portfolios continuing into 2023.

Following the launch of our annual flagship Global M&A Intelligence Report, DLA Piper's Insurance sector held two live client webinars discussing what the future might hold for M&A in insurance, and the regional impact on Europe, United Kingdom, Asia Pacific, US and Latin America.

The webinars were held at two separate times to accommodate different time zones.

To listen to the recordings of the sessions click the buttons below.

Session 1: Discussion focussed on: Europe, United Kingdom, Asia Pacific and Latin America

Session 2: Discussion focussed on: Europe, United Kingdom, Asia Pacific, United States and Latin America

Listen to regional extracts:
