12 September 2021 • 1 minute read
Intellectual Property and Technology News (North America), Issue 51, Q3 2021
Looking back, moving forward in an extraordinary year
Welcome to the 51st issue of IPT News.
Today, virtually all companies rely on third-party technical solutions to manage their business. The downside is that incorporating new third-party technology into business operations creates new vectors for cyberattacks.
Teva v. Amicus is the first lawsuit to test the reach of the CREATES Act. Expect more.
For many companies, China is an essential piece of their business, but they may never sell a single product to a Chinese company or consumer. Those businesses must answer the tricky question of how to protect their brand in a country where consumers never see it.
The Court chose to enhance the Director's power to review PTAB decisions directly.
A turf war may be smoldering between state lotteries and the private-sector casino industry.
She is one of only six attorneys to be so honored this year.
We look forward to spending time with you virtually this fall.