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19 de junho de 20232 minute read

Public Decision-Making Newsletter – Autumn 2023

This newsletter summarises recent developments in law relating to resource management and local government in Aotearoa New Zealand that may be of interest to local authorities and decision makers.

In this edition, we:

  • review a recent Supreme Court decision in relation to an expansion of a water bottling plant;
  • review a noteworthy High Court decision concerning a private plan change request seeking to rezone properties in central Auckland;
  • review a High Court decision on judicial review relating to coal exploration;
  • review a recent Environment Court case on the limitations of Intensification Planning Instruments;
  • review a recent Environment Court decision on the application of the National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land;
  • provide an update on the recent refusal by the Minister for the Environment to refer the Shelly Bay development for fast-track consenting;
  • provide a legislative update in relation to:
    • the passing of the new National Hazards Insurance Act 2023, which will come into force on 1 July 2024;
    • proposed changes to the national direction on renewable energy; and
  • review decisions concerning the enforcement of environmental offending.