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21 de setembro de 20233 minute read

Financial Crime and Managing Third Party Risk - CIRCLE workshop and networking lunch

Join us for our upcoming third CIRCLE meeting of 2023, a network where compliance and investigations professionals engage in relationship building, critical thinking, learning and education.

This session will focus on Financial Crime and Managing Third Party Risk.

Some of the issues our clients identified as being of concern in these areas in our launch events included, for example, a lack of recognition of fraud risk at a corporate level in their business; a lack of personal knowledge and requirement to upskill in certain areas; the advent of new fraud technologies and the severe reputational damage that can be caused by the occurrence of financial crime. In relation to managing third parties, concerns included increasing third party due diligence (TPDD) requirements, having a fit for purpose TPDD system with limited resources and knowing how far down the supply chain to go when managing third party risk.

Understanding financial crime and third party risks is a key requirement for any compliance and investigations professional. We will share some brief updates on recent financial crime trends and developments and have experts on hand to answer questions in relation to fraud, bribery, sanctions and facilitation of tax evasion risks. We will consider what best practice looks like with regard to managing third party risk and we hope our guests will share their experience and expertise, including what they have seen work well, and what works less well.

After the discussion, there will be a buffet lunch and the opportunity to network with peers and colleagues.

CIRCLE is our professional network for compliance and investigations professionals – we meet quarterly to discuss key challenges, as nominated by the network. You can join our sessions and see upcoming events here.

We hope you can join us.

  • Birmingham - 19 September 10am-1pm
  • Manchester - 20 September 10am-1pm
  • London - 21 September 10am-1pm

Due to high demand and limited spaces, we are currently not opening this event to other law firms or professional services businesses. This event is most relevant to compliance and investigations professionals of large, global organisations.

