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Maëlle Rixhon

Ma-ɛl Ri-ksɔ̃Lead Lawyer

Truly passionate about the law and committed to finding pragmatic solutions. As the Roman jurist Pomponius said, the law cannot exist without jurists who can improve it day by day.


Maëlle Rixhon focuses her practice on public and administrative law matters. This includes public procurement issues and matters regarding environment, urban planning and public property.

Maëlle works for clients in the private as well as in the public sector located in Belgium and/or abroad. She represents them both before the Council of State and before the judicial courts.

Maëlle advises her clients in all areas of public and administrative law and in particular in public procurement, PPP and concession, environment, urban and planning, public property, administrative authorizations, etc. having in mind an up-to-date knowledge of the law of goods and the law of obligations, both topics she teaches at the university.

Maëlle is indeed also research (civil and administrative law) and teaching (civil law) assistant at the Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles. She is a member of the Séminaire Interdisciplinaire d’Études Juridiques (SIEJ) and of the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches en Droit Constitutionnel et Administratif (CIRC).

She regularly speaks and writes on administrative law (mostly public procurement and administrative contentious) and civil law (law of goods and of obligations) topics.

Professional QualificationsAvocat registered with the Ordre Francais des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles


  • Secondment to a client (group of companies) active in the aerospace sector: corporate house-keeping, answering public law-related questions, reviewing and analyzing public (military) and commercial contracts, assisting to all meetings of the boards of directors of the main companies of the group, etc.
  • Analysis of public law issues (environmental law, urban planning law, soil pollution regulation, public procurement, public governance rules, etc.) in the context of several mergers and acquisitions.
  • In general, advising and assisting clients during both the awarding and execution phases of public procurement.
  • Cases handled before the Belgian Council of State
  • Francia
  • Angol
  • Holland
  • Université catholique de Louvain, Master's degree, Law, magna cum laude, 2018
  • Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, Bachelor's degree, Law, magna cum laude, 2016


  • Bachelor's degree in Law Award (Prix du baccalauréat en Droit), 2016, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
    The purpose of this annual award is to reward students who has distinguished themselves, in the course of their study program, by their spirit of research.The honors obtained and the equilibrium attained between legal and non-legal branches are also taken into account.


Prior Experience

  • September 2018, Summer Legal Intern, DLA Piper, public and administrative law
  • July 2018, Summer Legal Intern, Luxembourg based international law firm, corporate
  • Academic year 2017-2018, Member of the Board of Directors, the Council of Education and Training (and related working groups) and the Council of the Law Faculty, Université catholique de Louvain
  • Academic year 2017-2018, Student Intern, Constitutional Court of Belgium
  • September 2017, Summer Legal Intern, Brussels based international law firm, real estate
  • July 2017, Summer Legal Intern, Brussels based Belgian law firm, public and administrative law
  • September 2016 (2 weeks), Summer Legal Intern, Brussels based niche law firm, public and administrative law
  • July 2016, Summer Legal Intern, Brussels based Benelux law firm, public and administrative law
  • Academic year 2015-2016, Member of the Council and the Bureau of the Law Faculty and Member of the Council of Education, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
  • Academic year 2015-2016, Student Intern, Médiateur de la Wallonie et de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Ombudsman)
  • July 2015 (one week), Summer Legal Intern, London based niche law firm, immigration law
  • July 2015 (3 weeks), Summer Legal Intern, Notary based in Belgium
  • July 2014, Summer Legal Intern, Notary based in Belgium

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Since October 2018: Member of the French-speaking Brussels Bar
