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Raffaella Quintana

Head of White Collar Crime, Investigations and Compliance, Italy
She is excellent in meeting the customer's expectation. She has a great ability in handling complex matters and assessing potential risks.
Chambers Europe 2022

Raffaella Quintana is a criminal lawyer with over 25 years’ experience of defending and advising multinational companies and individuals in criminal and compliance matters.

She has in-depth experience of conducting defensive investigations and of coordinating multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional teams. 

Raffaella helps clients with a wide range of business crime related matters, including corruption, fraud, corporate and financial crimes, HSE and tax offences, as well as corporate quasi-criminal liability under the Italian Decree 231/2001.

She has particular knowledge of the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, having assisted some of the major multinational companies in the field during her career. Raffaella has recently advised the Italian subsidiary of a major pharma company in a criminal case for unfaithful tax returns, which involved performing substantial internal investigation activities. She has also recently led a preventive internal investigation in a case for commercial fraud, with particular focus on the safety and quality of a leading pharma multinational’ products.

Raffaella is top ranked within the Compliance and White Collar Crime directories by Chambers and Partners Europe and The Legal 500 EMEA. She is also named as one of the most reputable dispute resolution and compliance lawyers in Italy by Acritas/Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyer.

Raffaella heads the DLA’s Responsible Business team for Italy and plays a key role in the initiatives adopted by the Leadership Alliance for Women (LAW), being committed to  contribute to a model of sustainable development for the Firm, as well as to support our women lawyers in developing leadership skills and creating business opportunities.

She regularly speaks at seminars and conferences, and writes for publications and newspapers on topics related to her areas of expertise.


  • Defending a leading Hong Kong-registered company in the telecommunication and electronics sector charged, along with its directors, with multiple violations, within: i) a criminal case in connection with Italian export controls regulation; ii) a ‘golden power’ proceeding related to the acquisition of a majority share in a company in the defense sector.
  • Defended a consultant of the main Italian steel company in a criminal case for corruption in judicial acts and extortion, obtaining the withdrawal of the personal precautionary measures adopted against the client and the overall closure of the proceedings in just over six months, under particularly favorable conditions. This significant outcome was the result of the innovative approach adopted in the defensive strategy, which included an exhaustive defensive investigation.
  • Defended a leading Italian multinational pharmaceutical company from corporate criminal liability charges in a case of corruption. Assisted the client from the point of the dawn raid at their corporate premises, carried out a wide-ranging internal defensive investigation, and designed the compliance program of the company, obtaining the dismissal of the case in the preliminary investigation phase.
  • Defended the holding of a major Italian group in the manufacturing sector from corporate criminal liability charges in a case of false accounting and stock manipulation. Achieved the dismissal of the case against the company in the preliminary investigation phase, thanks to the internal investigation activities conducted and the compliance program designed for the client.
  • Defended the Italian subsidiary of a global leading pharmaceutical group from bribery and corruption allegations investigated by the Italian Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), persuading the Authority to dismiss the proceedings, also in light of the suitability of the anti-corruption compliance program designed for the client.
  • Olasz
  • Angol
  • Spanyol
  • University of Bari, Law degree


  • Raffaella Quintana is ranked among the leading lawyers by Chambers Europe 2016 - Compliance (Band 1) 
  • Raffaella Quintana is a market-leading compliance lawyer. Sources note that she is "pragmatic, client-oriented and always available." She is also described as "flexible" and someone who always keeps the "big picture" in mind. She has wide-ranging expertise in this sector, encompassing tax offences, corporate crimes, Law 231 and the drawing up of compliance programmes. (Chambers Europe 2016)
  • Raffaella is mentioned by The Legal 500 EMEA  among the most reputable dispute resolution lawyers in Italy.


  • Fusione dell'ente in Commentario, in Levis Perini - La responsabilità amministrativa delle società e degli enti, Torino, 2014
  • La responsabilità dell'ente nel caso di scissione. Problematiche Applicative, n. 3, 2010
  • La disciplina della pubblicità commerciale attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione, DI AMATO, Appunti di diritto dei mezzi di comunicazione, Napoli, 2006
  • La diffusione di programmi in contemporanea, o in interconnessione, da parte delle emittenti locali (art. 8 Legge Gasparri), in Diritto ed economia dei mezzi di comunicazione, n. 1, 2005
  • L’attuazione del processo di liberalizzazione del settore delle comunicazioni in Italia, in Rivista di diritto dei mezzi di comunicazione, n. 1, 2002
  • La disciplina della pubblicità attraverso i mezzi di comunicazione, in DI AMATO, Appunti di diritto dei mezzi di comunicazione, Napoli, 2000


Raffaella regularly participates as a speaker in seminars and conferences and contributes to publications and newspapers with articles on topics relating to business criminal law and corporate criminal liability.

Prior Experience

  • 2010 - to date    DLA Piper Studio Legale e Tributario Associato, Milan, Rome - Partner
  • 2008 - 2010       CMS Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola Scamoni, Rome, Milan - Partner
  • 2006 - 2008       Studio Legale Quintana, Rome - Founding Partner
  • 1999 - 2005       Astolfo Di Amato e Associati. Avvocati, Rome, Milan, Naples - Partner
  • 1995 -1998        Studio Legale Astolfo Di Amato, Rome, Milan, Naples - Senior Associate
  • 1991-1995         Studio degli Avvocati Rampino, Lecce - Associate
  • 1988 - 1991       District Public Attorney’s Office, Lecce - Trainee

Scientific Activity

  • Lecturer at the University of Rome "LUISS Guido Carli" at the Master in Business Criminal Law (2009 - to date)
  • Collaboration with the Chair of Commercial law at the University of Camerino, Specialization School for Civil Law (2001 – 2002)
  • Collaboration with the Chair of Commercial law, at the Specialized School for Law and Economics within the European Community of the II University of Naples (2000 – 2001)
  • Collaboration with the Chair of European Community commercial law, at the Specialized School for European Community Law and Economics of the II University of Naples (1998 – 1999)
  • Lecturer at the course Elements of advertisement law, at the Istituto Superiore di Comunicazione (Higher Institute for Communication) in Rome (1998 – 1999)

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Member of AOdV231, the Italian Association of the Members of Supervisory Boards ex Legislative Decree 231/2001
  • Member of the International Bar Association, Business Crimes Committee
