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Mathias Kuhn


Mathias advises industrial, consumer, retail and technology companies on strategic transactions and provides advice in sourcing, supply chain, supplier relations, channels to market, customer relations, consumer protection, digital and business transformation, marketing and advertising.

Professional QualificationsAvocat admitted to the Paris Bar


  • Advice to a television group in the creation of a joint subsidiary with its two main competitors.
  • Advice to a leading clothing company for the implementation of a franchise network.
  • Advice to a medical device manufacturer for the organization of its distribution network.
  • Secondment within the legal department of a leading company the technology sector (negotiation and draft of contracts).
  • Day-to-day advice to an intermediation platform between restaurants and customers
  • Francia
  • Angol
  • Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propriété Intellectuelle (Strasbourg) – Master 2 IT Law (2014)
  • University Paris 2 Panthéon Assas – Master 2 European business Law (2013)


  • Incidence de la nouvelle loi ASAP sur les relations commerciales fournisseurs/distributeurs, Village Justice, 2020
  • Le temps judiciaire pourrait jouer en faveur de Mediapro, Ecofoot, 2020
  • La décision du TAS fragilise le Fair-Play Financier, Ecofoot, 2020
  • Nike sanctionné par la Commission Européenne pour restriction des ventes transfrontières de maillots de football, Village Justice, 2019
  • Anticompetitive practices in the pharmaceutical sector: An overview of EU and national case law, Revue Concurrence, 2017
  • Gun Jumping : “Rien ne sert de courir, il faut partir à point”, La Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires, 2016


  • Speaker – University of Grenoble Alpes – Competition law and intellectual property (2021)
  • Speaker – ESC Clermont, Master International Business Development & Project Managers – International Contracts and Compliance (2017-2020)

Prior Experience

  • French law firm – Contracts, Competition and Distribution department
  • International law firm (Paris and London offices) – Competition, Commercial and Compliance Department

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Association Frateli / Article 1 – Tutoring for law students
  • Avocat admitted as a Sports Representative to the Paris Bar
