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Gábor Fejes LL.M

Co-Head of Competition and Antitrust
He is one of the most skilled lawyers and has outstanding knowledge.
Chambers Europe, 2023

Gábor Fejes has significant experience in many areas of practice including European and Hungarian antitrust law, unfair commercial practices cases, unfair competition and IP related advice.

He has particular expertise in handling complex merger control cases and large scale cartel investigations.

He has, over the past two decades, handled more than 150 cases in front of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the European Commission. He has litigated cases in front of the Hungarian judiciary up to the Supreme Court of Hungary and the Hungarian Constitutional Court as well as on several occasions in front of the Court of Justice in preliminary rulings proceedings or.

He is also a recommended arbitrator by the Permanent Court of Arbitration of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Professional QualificationsBudapesti Ügyvédi Kamaránál bejegyzett ügyvéd
  • J.D., Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law, Budapest, Hungary
  • LLM., Katolieke Universiteit, Leuven


  • He is one of the most skilled lawyers and has outstanding knowledge. – Chambers Europe, 2023
  • Gábor Fejes receives widespread acclaim for his work on merger control, as well as competition investigations. He also assists clients with judicial reviews of decisions by the HCA. One interviewee comments: "Gábor is definitely one of the most recognised lawyers in the country." – Chambers Europe, 2022
  • Described as "an excellent choice for complex matters," Gábor Fejes represents clients in investigations carried out by the HCA and in judicial reviews of fines for anti-competitive behaviour. He also has notable experience in merger clearance filings and advises clients on high-profile consumer protection mandates. - Chambers Europe, 2021


  • He is the author to the chapters relating to anti-competitive agreements in the commentary to the Hungarian Competition Act (Kommentár a tisztességtelen piaci magatartás és a versenykorlátozás tilalmáról szóló 1996. évi LVII. törvényhez), published by the Hungarian Competition Authority.
  • He is the author of the chapters relating to Articles 101 to 109 of the TFEU in the first ever Hungarian language commentary to the Euroepan Treaties (Az Európai Unió Alapító Szerződéseinek Kommentárja, published by Wolters-Kluwer).
  • Kommentár a gazdasági versenyt korlátozó megállapodások tilalmához (Tpvt. 11-13. §§-okhoz tartozó magyarázat) in: dr. Juhász Miklós, Ruszthiné dr. Juhász Dorina, dr. Tóth András (szerk.).
  • Munkavállalói önszerveződés, kollektív szerződések és a munkáltatói megállapodások – a versenyjog górcsöve alatt, in: Pál Lajos-Petrovics Zoltán (szerk.), Visegrád 17.0, A XVII. Magyar Munkajogi Konferencia szerkesztett előadásai, Wolters Kluwer, Budapest, 2020, 133-166.
  • Az Mt. szerinti versenytilalmi megállapodásról – a versenyjog szemszögéből, in: Bankó/Berke/Pál/Petrovics (ed.), Ünnepi tanulmányok Lőrincz György 70. születésnapja tiszteletére, HVG-Orac, Budapest, 2019, 87-103.


  • He is a lecturer on Hungarian and European competition law as well as on Hungarian contracts and tort law, at the Law Faculties of both major Science Universities of Budapest: ELTE and PPKE.
  • He was the lector to the Hungarian language edition of Richard Wish’s Competition law (published, in Hungarian, by the Hungarian Competition Authority).
  • He has over 50 publications on issues of Hungarian and European competition law, contracts law, trademark law and arbitration. He is also a frequent speaker on conferences both in Hungary and abroad.

Rankings and Awards

  • Chambers Europe, 2022 - 2024, Competition/Antitrust, (Individual Rankings): Band 1
  • Legal 500, 2021 - 2024, Competition, (Individual Rankings): Hall of Fame
  • Global Competition Review, 2021 - 2024, Competition, (Individual Rankings): Elite
  • Who’s Who Legal: Thought Leaders, 2021 - 2023, Competition

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Vice president of the Hungarian Competition Law Association
  • Honorary Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Law at ELTE Law Faculty
  • Member of the board of the Public International Law and Conflicts of Law Section of Bibó István College of Law
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the Competition Law Institute of Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest
  • Member of the board of the Public International Law and Conflicts of Law Section of Bibó István College of Law
