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2024. április 30.3 minute read

Spotlight on: New Company Law in China

Insights into the amendments for Industrials businesses – webinar

30 April 2024, ONLINE

10:00 – 11:00 BST (excl. Q&A)
11:00 – 12:00 CET (excl. Q&A)
17:00 – 18:00 CST (excl. Q&A)

After four rounds of review and public consultation in the past five years, the PRC National People’s Congress formally approved the sixth amendment to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China on 29 December 2023. This newly amended Company Law (New Company Law) will come into effect on 1 July 2024 with a universal impact on all companies in the PRC, including foreign invested enterprises, their investors and management personnel.

While China is expected to introduce more specific guidelines, regulations and implementation measures surrounding the new capital contribution system and new corporate governance structure. As such, this is the time to take a deep dive into key topics in the New Company Law and understand its impact on your China investment and subsidiaries, such as:

  • How to deal with the time limit for capital contribution
  • How to understand and choose between the optional corporate structures
  • How to interpretate the royalty and diligence obligation of senior management
  • The new perspectives and risk points for mergers and acquisitions in China  

Please join us at our live webinar where Peter Chen and Windson Li of our Beijing office will outline the key amendment to the Company Law and the implications for foreign invested companies in China.  

  • Key updates and topics
    • Overview of the New Company Law
    • The new capital system and its implication for shareholders
    • The new corporate governance system and related issues
    • Optimization of share transfer rules
    • Simplified exit and liquidation system
  • Recommendations and take-aways

The speakers will be available for Q&A following the 60 minute presentation.

