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Erwin Simons


Erwin Simons focuses on all aspects of corporate law, particularly mergers and acquisitions and private equity.

He has extensive experience in advising Belgian and multinational clients on the acquisition (both equity and asset based) of Belgian companies in various industry sectors. This includes coordinating legal due diligence and drafting and negotiating the acquisition and shareholders' agreements.

He is also experienced in restructuring Belgian companies, including negotiating with trade unions on collective dismissals and transferring employees.

Erwin advises companies listed on the Belgian stock exchange on private placements and acquisitions as well as negotiations with Belgian Banks, the Finance and Insurance Commission and the Stock Exchange Authorities.

He also advises multinational companies on starting up businesses in the Belgian market. He provides legal services on the incorporation of companies and branch offices, contacts with the local authorities, negotiations of joint ventures and subsidies. He also advises on general corporate law matters such as mergers and de-mergers, shareholders' meetings, capital increases, issuance of warrants and convertible bonds, and liquidation of companies.

Erwin provides services to DLA Piper UK LLP through a limited liability company.

Professional QualificationsAdvocaat registered with the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Inglés


    • Co-author of a publication on the European Merger Regulation (1990) and on the free movement of goods and employees within the European Union (1991)
    • Co-author of the annual edition of the Jaarboek Personenbelasting (Yearbook on Belgian Resident Income Tax), and more particularly in charge of the chapters on tax deductible costs (editions 1993 through 1999)
    • Country reports for Belgium on "Light Vehicle Competition" (2004) and "Minority Shareholders Protection" (2005) for the Kluwer edition European Company Law
    • Co-author of the contribution on the "Management Committee" in the Kluwer edition Vennootschappen en Verenigingen : Artikelsgewijze Commentaar
    • Co-author of the contribution on “Liability of Shareholders” in the Kluwer edition Bestendig Handboek: Vennootschap & Aansprakelijkheid

    Prior Experience

    1999 to date, Partner, DLA Piper UK LLP
    1995 to 1998, international law firm
    1993 to 1994, Tax consulting company
    1992, European Commission

    Memberships And Affiliations

    • Member of the Brussels Bar
    • Member of the BCC (British Chamber of Commerce)
    • Member of the BICC&I (Belgo-Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
