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Antonio Martino


Antonio Martino is active in all areas of tax law with particular reference to the international taxation of individuals and non-commercial entities.

He assists domestic and multinational individuals and companies before the tax authorities both in the control and assessment phase and in litigation.

In addition, Antonio, together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals, assists private clients and families in the management and transfer of their assets and financial assets.

Antonio is also active in the areas of economic criminal law with particular regard to tax, financial, bankruptcy, anti-P.A. and money laundering crimes, as well as administrative liability pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.

He provides assistance in compliance matters with regard to tax aspects and the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering. 

Professional QualificationsAvvocato admitted to the Milan Bar
  • Italian
  • Inglés
  • • Law degree, University of Milan
    • Degree in economic and financial security, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
    • Degree in Political Sciences, University of Trieste
    • Post-graduate specialization course on "stock exchanges and other regulated markets”, SDA Bocconi, Milan


Antonio regularly speaks at seminars and conferences on international tax issues with particular reference to tax crimes and voluntary disclosure as well as administrative money laundering prevention action.

Prior Experience

Before joining DLA Piper, Antonio served as an officer in the Guardia di Finanza. 

For more than ten years (1999-2010), he was head of the Judicial Police Section of the Milan Public Prosecutor's Office where he coordinated some of the most relevant national and international investigations on cases of corruption, fraudulent bankruptcy, fraud against the State, tax and financial crimes and money laundering. 

In addition, for more than five years, he was a manager of the Italian Revenue Agency, where he was called to set up and head the UCIFI, the special central unit for the fight against international tax evasion and avoidance. 

He was a member of the Ministerial Commission for the introduction in Italy of the offence of self money laundering, collaborated in the revision of the legislation on the tax monitoring of financial assets and assets held abroad and was the creator and promoter of the national voluntary disclosure programme of capital abroad.  He has represented the Italian tax authorities in various international contexts.



Antonio was involved in a number of teaching activities and in particular he taught:

  • White collars 'crimes', in the various editions of the Master's Degree in Forensic Criminology organized by University of Castellanza ''LIUC - Carlo Cattaneo''
  • International Taxation of individuals, in the latest editions of the Master in International Tax Law organized by the Higher School of Economy and Finance “Ezio Vanon” and of the Master in International Tax Law organized by the University of Milan “Luigi Bocconi” for the cadets of the School of Tax police

Furthermore, Antonio was a teacher for professional training courses organized by the Cabinet of the Council of Ministers (investigative techniques for the identification of the reprocessing of illicit capital abroad), the Superior Judiciary Council (financial and asset investigation technique) and by the European Commission (investigative techniques for the suppression of international drug trafficking).
