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6 de septiembre de 20242 minute read

VAT registration changes and Special Scheme for Small Enterprises implemented in Slovakia

Slovak Republic

The currently applied threshold of turnover EUR49,790 within any 12-month period will be replaced by two new thresholds from 2025:

  • EUR50,000 within a calendar year, with a compulsory VAT registration from 1 January of the subsequent calendar year,
  • EUR62,500 within a calendar year, with a compulsory VAT registration from the date of the supply pursuant to which the threshold is exceeded.

The VAT registration shall be filed within 5 working days from when the threshold is exceeded. Non-established VAT payers will be required to file for a VAT registration within 5 working days from the day they become VAT payers in Slovakia.

Non-established entities will benefit from the special scheme for small enterprises, therefore see their supplies not subject to VAT, in Slovakia where:

  • Their turnover in Slovakia in the current calendar year does not exceed EUR62,500;
  • their turnover in Slovakia in the previous calendar year does not exceed EUR50,000;
  • their turnover within the EU in the current calendar year does not exceed EUR100,000 and
  • they benefit from the special scheme for small enterprises in their country of establishment.


Key Takeaway

VAT registration threshold will be increased from 2025 and compliance obligations for non-established businesses will be aligned with those applicable to locally established ones. Businesses trading in Slovakia must therefore monitor their activity to make sure that they remain compliant.


102/2024 Z.z. - Zákon, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa záko... - SLOV-LEX