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5 de mayo de 20221 minute read

Country-specific: Hungary

  • The reverse charge mechanism on the sale of cereal products, iron and steel products and the sale of carbon dioxide emission quotas was originally due to expire on 30 June 2022. However, the reverse charge will continue to apply with respect to the sale of these products until the actual end of the state of emergency (introduced due to the COVID-19).
  • As of November 2021, the Hungarian tax authority planned to prepare draft VAT returns (e-VAT) for certain taxpayers in order to reduce the taxpayers’ administrative burden with respect to VAT compliance. However, due to COVID-19 the introduction of such e-VAT system was postponed for indefinite period of time.
  • As of 1 January 2022, taxpayers are not obliged to issue receipt with respect to their sales if the consideration of the transaction is paid through a vending machine duly registered by the Hungarian tax authority (since such machines provide the Hungarian tax authority with data as regards the sales).