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17 de diciembre de 20202 minute read

Antitrust Matters - Special edition

Our contribution to the European Commission’s latest public consultations on Big Tech, sustainability, foreign subsidies and other topics

Dear Readers:

2020 was a year unlike most others. Some may have lost loved ones to the pandemic. Others may have lost their jobs or may be under threat of losing it. We all had to change our way of living. At the same time, our minds were kept busy by the European Commission’s biggest-ever overhaul of antitrust tools. Consultation after consultation was coming out of the system, on a wide variety of issues ranging from market definition to foreign subsidies, via digital services and new competition tools. The direction is clear: EU antitrust law and policy must be fit for a digitalized and geopolitically complex world.

DLA Piper prides itself as a public voice in matters of societal concern, not least in areas such as SESG, diversity and inclusion, and disability in the workplace. The development of antitrust law and policy is one such concern, and we are proud to have contributed to the shaping of our regulatory future by thoughtfully taking part in the EU debate. Throughout the year, we provided responses to many public consultations, and this issue of Antitrust Matters gathers together these responses for your use.

We wish everyone a peaceful year end, a smooth transition into 2021, and a healthy, joyful and successful 2021.

Bertold Bär-Bouyssière, on behalf of DLA Piper’s Antitrust community

Download the full publication here.
