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CIRCLE compliance and investigations professional network - 2023 events

Welcome to CIRCLE – a network of compliance and investigations professionals.

CIRCLE is a new networking, benchmarking and knowledge sharing group designed for professionals working in investigations and compliance related roles at international organisations.

The topics at our 2023 events are chosen by the network as being the key challenges that keep compliance and investigations professionals up at night.

All events are interactive, workshop style discussions, and include a networking lunch. We hope that attendees will share their own views and experiences whilst also gaining the benefit of hearing and learning from others.

We look forward to building CIRCLE together with you.

C ompliance and
I nvestigations:
R elationship building
C ritical-thinking
L earning
E ducating

Due to high demand and limited spaces, we are currently not opening this event to other law firms or professional services businesses. This event is most relevant to compliance and investigations professionals of large, global organisations.

Key Contacts
