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As business data grows, spotting cartel risks becomes harder. If your conventional compliance program misses potential issues, major risks can lie hidden within the depths of your data. You don’t want to end up as another headline, a business facing massive fines and untold brand damage. Aiscension helps you proactively detect cartel risks by combining cutting-edge AI and DLA Piper’s legal knowhow. Its pre-trained AI allows investigations or compliance reviews to be run 10x faster and more cost effectively than any other options. Monitored by our lawyers, it learns and adapts to provide high quality results.

Upgrade to Aiscension and safeguard your business now.

Case study: Obtaining leniency in industrial cartel case

Following bid rigging allegations by a former employee who was attempting to blackmail the company, a European agricultural machinery distributor ran an internal cartel investigation. Management needed to respond quickly due to the risk of fines and bad publicity. The core objectives were to identify if bid rigging was an isolated event by a rogue employee, or a wider issue and then take a decision on a leniency application. The company also wanted to ensure legal advice was protected by privilege.


Aiscension results

  • 5 years of communication collected from 3 employees.
  • Almost 200,00 documents reviewed by the AI.
  • 2,315 documents flagged by Aiscension to the legal team = 98.8% reduction in volume.
  • 55 hours to run review and provide strategic legal advice. 
  • 91% faster than conventional review. 
  • Leniency application made and accepted (100% immunity from fines).

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Get in touch with our team to learn more about how Aiscension can help your business