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20 de março de 20232 minute read

King of the Hill in Spectrum – ITU and WRC Set the Rules

Read our report for WRC-23

Earlier this year, the US announced that it has selected its leadership for the final preparations guiding its participation in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) – the quadrennial gathering of radiocommunication authorities and subject matter experts from around the globe to harmonize the use of the electromagnetic spectrum both regionally and globally. The goal of the month-long conference is to amend and enhance the globally recognized road map governing the introduction of next-generation telecommunication technologies for the next 10-15 years and longer.

As is the case with every WRC, the stakes are high as an ever-expanding list of spectrum-dependent technologies and applications vie for a finite supply of frequency resources. Each WRC is the cumulation of years of technical and regulatory studies that pave the way to the adoption of new Radio Regulations governing the international use of spectrum. It is truly the king of the hill in spectrum management.

On March 27th, nearly 200 delegations from around the world will meet in Geneva to finalize the Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM) Report for WRC-23.

The CPM report will be the first contribution to WRC-23 and contains different options, or, in ITU-speak, methods, to change the Radio Regulations in response to the agenda set out by WRC-19. As we discuss in our report for WRC-23, the WRC-23 agenda invites consideration of a wide array of spectrum and regulatory issues that impact technologies we use every day.

Download the report.

For more information, please contact any of us: 

Eric Lee, Telecom Engineer
Michael A. Lewis, Senior Engineering Advisor
Zachary L Rosenbaum, Senior Engineering Advisor
Emma Marion, Associate
