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18 de outubro de 20217 minute read

UAE clarifies factoring and assignments of receivables

The recently enacted Federal Decree-Law No. 16 of 2021 on Factoring and Transfer of Civil Accounts Receivable (the New Law) which enters into force on 8 December 2021, being the first federal regulation in the United Arab Emirates (the UAE) dealing specifically with factoring and the assignment of receivables, has ushered in some much-needed clarity as to how these arrangements should work in the UAE. Specifically, the New Law provides a new regulatory framework which sets out the basic legal requirements for assignments and transfers of receivables, validity and perfection requirements, as well as the rules for determining priority amongst competing claims over assigned receivables.

Historically, this had been viewed as something of a 'grey' area of the law – governed in a piecemeal way, with Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 (as amended, the Civil Code) governing the assignment of debt and Federal Law No. 4 of 2020 (the Moveable Assets Mortgage Law) governing assignments over receivables which are taken by way of security. This had created some uncertainty as to which regulation should apply in particular circumstances, as well as uncertainty regarding the relationship between the different laws. The fact that the New Law seeks to provide a unified framework in relation to this area is a very welcome development. There are, however, certain key aspects of the New Law which may require further clarification as market participants seek to rely upon this new framework.

Scope of the New Law

The New Law applies broadly to any assignment of receivables made as part of commercial or civil transactions. Notable exclusions from this new law are assignments in the context of:

  • personal / family transactions;
  • financial contracts regulated by clearing agreements;
  • foreign exchange transactions;
  • interbank payment systems, net-based clearing systems and settlement related to securities, assets or other financial instruments;
  • repurchase of securities, assets or financial instruments deposited with a broker;
  • the right to financial payments fixed in endorsable bonds;
  • the right to payments deposited in credit accounts with banks; and
  • the right to payments under securities, documentary credits and letters of guarantee.
What is an Assignment?

The New Law governs "Assignments", which is defined to cover an arrangement where "contractual rights to settle a cash sum owed by the Debtor are transferred to the Assignee, and the Assignment constitutes the agreement to create a security right on the Debtor's debt, transfer it as a security, and sell it in a final sale". One possible interpretation of this particular definition would be that the New Law only governs arrangements which not only assign a debt but which also create a security interest over that debt. However, many factoring arrangements and debt assignments simply involve a debt being assigned absolutely and do not necessarily involve a security right being created over that debt. The New Law also does not elaborate on the different types of factoring arrangements that can exist, such as the purchase or sale of receivables, discounting and reverse factoring.

Given that the New Law appears (on the face of it) to be intended to cover all factoring arrangements and assignments of debts, the prudent course of action for market participants would be to ensure that all of their factoring arrangements and assignments of debt comply with the New Law, regardless of whether those arrangements involve security being created.

Form of Assignment

When it comes to the form that an assignment of receivables should take, the New Law is not prescriptive, and simply provides that an assignment shall be considered effective provided that the receivables that are subject to the assignment are described in a general or specific manner in order to allow for their identification.

Importantly, the New Law goes on to clarify some of the key points around how to describe the receivables being assigned (in relation to which there previously was some uncertainty). Specifically, we highlight the following:

  • It is acceptable for the purposes of the New Law to describe the assigned receivables generally, for example by simply saying that the assignment is of all receivables that are currently owed by a debtor, all receivables that will be owed by a debtor in the future, or a specific class or specific or general type of such receivables.
  • The New Law therefore appears to confirm that, in an assignment agreement, it is not necessary to individually list out each particular contract under which a debt is assigned.
  • The New Law confirms that if the subject of the relevant assignment is receivables which are owed by a debtor in the future, then that assignment may be effective without the need to enter into any new transaction to assign each future debt in due course.
Effectiveness and Priority

One key point which the New Law clarifies is in relation to the effectiveness of debt assignment agreements against third parties: with specific provisions of the Moveable Assets Mortgage Law being incorporated by reference in order to establish that such assignments, in order to be effective towards third parties, must be declared on the electronic register created under the Moveable Assets Mortgage Law (which is currently operated by the Emirates Integrated Registries Company (EIRC)). While, prior to the introduction of the New Law, it was common for market participants to register assignments of receivables with the EIRC, it was not previously clear whether this was strictly necessary with respect to absolute assignments of receivables under the Civil Code which did not create security interests.

Regarding any specific requirements which need to be met in order for an assignment of receivables to be effective against a debtor (which have traditionally been governed by the Civil Code and relevant cases), the New Law does not specifically repeal or replace the Civil Code in this respect, and so the prudent course would be for market participants to continue to satisfy the applicable conditions derived from the Civil Code. This essentially means that, in order for an assignment of receivables to be enforceable against a debtor, notice of the assignment is required to be provided to the relevant debtor and (depending on the exact circumstances) with it also being advisable for the assignment of receivables to be acknowledged by the relevant debtor. The New Law does however give an assignee the clear right to send a notification and payment instructions to the relevant debtor in relation to receivables that have been assigned to that assignee (even if that notification gives rise to a breach of the underlying contract as between the assignor and the debtor), and does also seem to indicate that the debtor must agree to the assignment particularly in the context where the underlying contract is being amended.

Similar to what we see with registration, when it comes to determining priority among competing claims over receivables, the New Law relies on the Moveable Assets Mortgage Law to allocate the priority (determined by the date and time of registration) of the rights of assignees over the accounts receivable, to determine the priority of the assignor's obligation and to determine the priority of the assignment towards non-contractual rights.


To conclude, the New Law has clarified certain key issues regarding the assignment of receivables, and in doing so has created a more unified framework. It is now clear that any receivables which are subject to an assignment (which may include future receivables) need only be described in the assignment in general terms, and it is also now clear that certain elements of the Moveable Assets Mortgage Law apply to assignments of receivables (such as the registration requirements and rules regarding priority). Question marks do, however, remain over how the New Law treats certain types of debt assignments and factoring arrangements (particularly ones that involve absolute assignments and not security rights), as well as the question of how a court would interpret the relevant provisions of the Civil Code in light of the New Law.
