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17 de janeiro de 20242 minute read

UK sustainability disclosure requirements (SDR) and investment labels

17 January 2023, 10:00 - 11:00 GMT, ONLINE

The FCA has finally published its long-awaited policy statement and final rules on the ESG labelling, disclosure, naming and marketing, and anti-greenwashing rules (the SDR).

Broadly speaking, the SDR will apply to UK asset managers and distributors. For now, portfolio management services will be outside the scope of the regime, although the FCA intends to consult on rules for portfolio management services in early 2024. The SDR will not apply to overseas funds, but the expectation is that it will eventually be extended to all funds marketed to investors in the UK.

The anti-greenwashing rules (AGR) will apply to all UK authorised firms. The FCA is consulting on proposed guidance to AGR and participants will have until 26 January 2024 to respond. It is likely that the FCA will take enforcement action to send a clear message to the market.

The SDR requirements will be phased in from the summer 2024 with the AGR applying from 31 May 2024.

This webinar will provide an overview of the scope and application of the SDR and will consider what practical issues and steps firms need to take to ensure compliance with the requirements.

