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16 de maio de 20234 minute read

Race Around European Class Actions: Update on Recent Developments

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

4pm - 5pm BST
5pm - 6pm CEST

Class Actions are on the rise across Europe. The EU Directive on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers (the Representative Actions Directive, or RAD) requires EU member states, by June 2023, to fully implement its terms. The RAD will enable consumers to seek collective redress when they claim to have been harmed by a business through breaches of certain European consumer laws.

For some years, we have been forecasting and keeping our clients informed of the pan-European system of class actions. This Directive has major consequences for all types of businesses – from technology to manufacturing and ESG. Our pan-European panel will scan the horizon and offer predictions for pan-European Class actions alongside insights into key jurisdictions, including Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands and in the UK (following Brexit).

We will discuss:

  • What kinds of disputes does the RAD effect?
  • Which European countries have already implemented that RAD and which have not?
  • Which sectors are most likely to be affected?
  • What trends we are seeing in European Class Actions, including ESG and Human Right claims?

This will be an interactive session where the audience will be invited to put questions to our panel. You may also submit your questions ahead of time on the RSVP form.

We look forward to having you join this discussion.

