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Kristin H.R. Franceschi

Kristin H. R. Franceschi


Kristin Franceschi practices in the areas of sports finance and public finance law.

Kristin is a member of DLA Piper's firmwide Derivatives Committee and its Opinion Committee.

Public Finance

Kristin has extensive experience in the public finance industry, having served as bond counsel and represented borrowers and other market participants in connection with a broad spectrum of municipal finance transactions. Many of these financings are 501(c)(3) financings for nonprofits; others involve the use of complex derivatives. Kristin also regularly represents clients before the Internal Revenue Service in matters relating to public finance transactions.

Examples of the types of public infrastructure financed in connection with Kristin's public finance transactions include stadium and arenas; museums, colleges, universities, healthcare systems and other 501(c)(3) organizations; public infrastructure and affordable housing facilities.

Sports Finance

Kristin also regularly represents lenders, borrowers and other parties in a broad range of sports financing transactions, with an emphasis on the financing of sports properties for franchises in the major professional leagues. Kristin has been instrumental in a significant number of high-profile stadium and arena projects. Representative projects include facilities for the San Francisco 49ers, Minnesota Vikings, Baltimore Ravens, Las Vegas Raiders, Brooklyn Nets, and the New York Mets. Certain of these transactions involved secondary market refinancing transactions or derivative products.


Kristin is an active member of the American Bar Association's Section on Taxation and its Tax-Exempt Financing Committee. She has served as editor in chief of Federal Taxation of Municipal Bonds, published by the National Association of Bond Lawyers, and as the chair of the National Association of Bond Lawyers Opinions Committee. She served as the chair of the Bond Attorneys Workshop in 2003 and in 2007 was elected to the board of the National Association of Bond Lawyers serving as its president in 2012. Kristin lectures nationally on arbitrage and other federal tax matters related to tax-exempt bonds.

Bar admissionsMarylandNew York
  • French
  • M.B.A., Stanford University 1985
  • J.D., Stanford Law School 1985
  • B.A., The Johns Hopkins University 1981


In 2012, 2014 and 2016, Kristin was named one of Maryland's Top 100 Women by The Daily Record, entering its Circle of Excellence. She has been named to The Best Lawyers in America and The Lawyer of the Year in Public Finance for Maryland in 2023.

In 2014, Kristin was awarded the Frederick O. Kiel Distinguished Service Award by the National Association of Bond Lawyers.

Media Mentions

Memberships And Affiliations

  • American College of Bond Counsel, Executive Board Member
  • Tax Exempt Financing Committee, Tax Section of the American Bar Association
  • National Association of Bond Lawyers, former President and Member



+1 410 580 4151
(Work, Baltimore (Mount Washington))