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Welcome to the first edition of Global Insurance Updates: Topical issues and news from the international insurance markets – a publication from our insurance team that brings you the latest legal developments from global insurance markets.

We have kept these updates intentionally brief – to give you the gist of what matters the most. To reflect the constantly evolving insurance markets, we have included updates from emerging markets such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Thailand. You will also find news from Ireland, Norway and New Zealand, as well as our more established practices in Australia and the US. Should you wish to explore any of these updates further – their authors will be happy to pick up the conversation with you. You can find their names and contacts at the top of each article. Of course, this list of countries is not exhaustive of DLA Piper’s insurance sector coverage – we pride ourselves in being among the largest insurance teams in the world with insurance lawyers in most global insurance hubs who are keen to share knowledge with you in the following issues of this publication. However, if you have queries about countries not covered by this issue – please get in touch and we will be delighted to connect you with our colleagues.

We hope you find Global Insurance Updates useful, and we look forward to bringing you snapshots from different parts of the world with our next edition.
