Global bribery offenses guide
In recent decades, improved standards in the identification and enforcement of international bribery offenses have provided the backdrop to a growing appreciation and management of bribery risk within the business community.
Each year we read of new cases of international businesses subject to high profile law enforcement interventions. These cases sit alongside affirmations from governments around the world of their commitment to combatting corruption in all walks of life. One need look no further than the OECD Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions where, over 20 years after the initial text was published, there are now 44 signatory countries all actively working towards its implementation. While there is always progress to be made, the commitment to combatting bribery in international business transactions is clear.
This trend closely mirrors the ever-increasing globalisation of the world economy. Greater dependence upon the global economy is taking businesses out of their home markets and providing them with a truly international footprint. Undoubtedly this provides new and exciting opportunities, but also new and unfamiliar risks, including those related to compliance with local anti-bribery and corruption legislation.
This multijurisdictional guide gives an overview of anti-bribery and corruption legislation in a broad range of countries across the world. It provides a comprehensive starting point for business operating on a global scale in understanding the various legislative regimes to which they are subject, and in doing so, allows such businesses to adopt an informed approach to identifying and evaluating bribery risk and implementing effective compliance systems.
While this guide will be essential reading for those who need to find out more about the scope of anti-bribery laws around the world
*These summaries are provided for informational purposes only and contain a limited introduction to the legal frameworks governing bribery in each jurisdiction. These summaries are not intended to constitute legal advice, an opinion, or a compliance policy, nor do they create an attorney-client relationship with DLA Piper or any of its separate and distinct legal entities. DLA Piper will accept no responsibility for any actions taken or not taken on the basis of this publication. If you would like further advice, please contact your usual DLA Piper contact.