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Irene Beren Jefferson

Irene J. Sherman


Irene J. Sherman is an attorney in the Regulatory and Government Affairs group. She represents an array of clients before various regulatory agencies.

Irene assists clients with sanctions compliance and voluntary disclosures before US agencies with applicable jurisdiction.

In the field of energy and environment, Irene represents clients before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Energy.

Bar admissionsDistrito de ColumbiaNueva York


Before her legal career, Irene worked for several Democratic candidates and elected officials. She was an aide to former Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Calif.). She has worked in several capacities for Hillary Clinton, serving in her Senate office and on her 2008 presidential campaign. Irene also worked for the National Economic Council in the Obama White House.

  • J.D., Georgetown University
  • B.A., Political Science, Barnard College
    summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa
