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Antonio Castellana Soldano

An-to-nio Ca-stel-lana Sol-da-noHe/himAbogado

Antonio Castellana Soldano is a lawyer in the Finance, Projects & Restructuring department and is based in the Rome office.Antonio mainly provides assistance in relation to issues pertaining to the provision of investment services, the collective management of savings and solicitation for investment.

Antonio has a deep understanding of the banking and finance sector, with experience in assisting banks, real estate investment funds, electronic money institutions, payment institutions, financial brokers and, more generally, monitored bodies.

Antonio's activity focusses on ongoing regulatory assistance and advice; assistance in relation to matters concerning compliance and interactions with the competent Italian Supervisory Authorities (Banca d’Italia, Consob); research and drafting of documents activities with reference to collective asset management, banks and investment services issues; support in the establishment and authorization procedures of different intermediaries and asset management companies, as well as in the structuring and execution of investment transactions and vehicles; structuring and execution of transactions with investment funds and funds of funds for public and private assets.

Professional QualificationsAvvocato admitted to the Rome Bar


  • Assisted a primary Italian asset manager in relation to the structuring and establishment of a reserved closed-ended infrastructural investment fund, focused on investments in infrastructures that generate growth in the economy, the environment and society on the basis of an ESG approach, with respect to the marketing authorization procedure, as well as in the subsequent closings of subscriptions.
  • Assisted a State-owned asset manager in relation to the structuring, establishment and launch of an Italian reserved AIF - pursuant to the Art. 33 paragraph 8-ter of Legislative Decree no. 98/2011 - launched by way of registration in the Italian Court of Auditors of the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance’s Decree of 20 August 2019 (“Decreto Operazione”), having as its object the establishment «of one or more real estate alternative investment funds […], to which to confer, or transfer, State-owned real estate assets not employed for institutional purposes and real estate rights, as well as confer or transfer real estate assets owned by parties referred to under art. 33, para. 2, including public entities […]. The funds may operate, subject to an agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finances, through one or more compartments».
  • Assistance to a primary real estate investor in relation to the the structuring of a joint-venture with an institutional investor aimed at investing in dedicated Italian reserved real estate alternative investment funds to the purpose of establishing and enhancing its presence in the Italian office and high-street retail market. The joint ventures have started their operations by investing in newly established Italian real estate alternative investment funds which have acquired mixed-use real estate properties in Milan by means of asset deals. Specific advisory agreements have been entered into in relation to both the management of the above mentioned assets and the scouting of new potential investments.
  • Italian
  • Inglés
  • Law degree, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

Prior Experience

  • Before joining DLA Piper, Antonio worked with leading Italian and international law firms.
