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14 de mayo de 20247 minute read

New trends in the Slovak Space Area

1. Slovak Space Authorities

Institutions relevant in the Slovak Space Area:

  • Slovak Space Office
  • Slovak Ministry of Education (MoEDU)
  • Slovak Ministry of Economy (MoECO)
  • Slovak Ministry of Transport (MoT)
  • Slovak Agency for Investment and Trade Development (SARIO)
  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Slovak Space Office
  • was established by the Ministry of Education back in 1 January 2021.
  •  It consists of two components:
    • The Ministry of Education is responsible for inter-ministerial political coordination
    • SARIO covers the implementation part of developing the space ecosystem, local and international partnerships
  • Ministry of Transport
    • The Slovak Government has submitted a draft legislative intent for a bill on the regulation of space activities which obliges the Minister of Transport to submit to the Slovak Government a draft bill on the regulation of space activities  by 30 September 2024
    • has established a national register of space objects for tracking all space objects launched into outer space 
2.  Cooperation between Slovakia and the European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Slovakia is an Associate Member of ESA (since 2021). Before that, it was a Cooperating State (PECs)
  • The Slovak Space Office was created in 2021 to manage space activities in Slovakia
  • The Slovak Space Office works to:
    • Coordinate inter-ministerial political and multilateral issues between between MoEDU, MoECO, MoT and international cooperation with ESA
    • Develop the Slovak space industry by attracting new companies and helping existing ones expand into the space sector
    • Promote Slovakia's space industry internationally
    • Increase public awareness of the space sector
  • Benefits of ESA membership for Slovakia:
    • Access to funding and participation in ESA projects
    • Increased competitiveness of Slovak companies in the space sector
    • Development of new technologies with applications on Earth
  • Challenges of ESA membership for Slovakia:
    • Need to increase investment in the space sector
    • Need to develop competences in new areas of the space sector

Additional details:

  • Slovakia is focusing on developing its space industry in areas where it has existing strengths, such as remote Earth observation, space security, and satellite hardware.
  • The Slovak Space Office is working to increase public awareness of the space sector and its benefits.
  • Slovakia is expected to become a Full Member of ESA by 2029.
3. New Slovak Space Act in preparation
  • The Slovak Government has submitted a draft legislative intent for a bill on the regulation of space activities
  • which obliges the Minister of Transport to submit to the Slovak Government a draft bill on the regulation of space activities by 30 September 2024
  • which obliges the Minister of Transport to submit to the Slovak Government a draft bill on the regulation of space activities

    The Bill establishes the Ministry Transport as the competent authority to issue permits for
    1. to decide which entities meet the conditions laid down by law and are therefore eligible to carry out space activities,
    2. to check that these entities comply with the conditions laid down throughout the period of exercise space activities during the entire duration of the space activities,
    3. to decide whether space objects fulfil the conditions laid down by law for commissioning, and
    4. to supervise that space objects comply with the conditions throughout their operation throughout their entire lifeti

    At the same time, it is expected that the Bill will also require comments from other relevant authorities,
    • in particular the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Education.
    • §  Part of the permit for the space activities is the notification of Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services
  • The bill in the introductory part defines the purpose of the bill and legislative frame for carrying out space activities in the Slovak republic and definitions of necessary terms.
  • In this section are also regulated conditions under which can be permit issued, requirements for the application and timeframe for the issue of the permit (due to the notification of the satellite as radio equipment to the International Telecommunication Union will be needed an individual authorisation which is issued by the Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services, applicant will be required to attach the permit to the application), liability for damages and right of recourse, supervision and sanctions, the conditions related to the modification and termination of the permit and register of the space objects
4. Other relevant information: Space cluster in Košice
  • In 2023, Košice has established its first Space Cluster,via Slovak Organisation for Space Activities (SOSA) (non-governmental organisation providing entry point for small investors for R&D regarding smaller projects)
  • a collaborative hub for space research. Universities, research institutions, and businesses signed a memorandum to formalize cooperation.
  • The Technicom University Science Park in Košice  will serve as the base, fostering connections between academia, industry, and young entrepreneurs from the university.
    • This initiative aims to attract more companies to the region and leverage space data for practical applications.
      • It also provides students with valuable research and internship opportunities.
      • The cluster will play a crucial role in developing a strong space industry ecosystem in Slovakia.