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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

If you were unable to join us, we invite you to watch the recording here.

The first session in our Clean Energy Tax Credit CLE and CPE speaker series featured leaders from our world-class Tax practice and sector groups addressing how new clean energy tax credits and incentives available under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) present challenges and opportunities across clean energy production, transmission, and distribution projects as well as the automotive and transportation sectors, and related industries. Drew Young, DLA Piper Tax partner, leads the series, which will assist you in interpreting and applying the available tax credits that relate to these areas and provide real-time updates as agency guidance continues to unfold.

Our first session provided an overview of the IRA tax credit provisions and a discussion about the potential impact of the proposed regulations on the automotive and clean energy production industries. Our panel of legal authorities across these industries addressed the following:

  • Practical applications of the tax credits for electric vehicles and renewables:
    • The transferability of tax credits and the impact on structures for monetizing credits and financing projects
    • The impact on how energy projects are valued and priced
    • Eligibility requirements and limitations
    • “Foreign entities of concern”
  • Status of administrative guidance and proposed regulations. Navigating the new laws statutes in the absence of complete guidance.
  • Opportunities to comment on proposed regulations and forthcoming administrative guidance

For more information
Please contact Sarah Stephens or visit the event series page to learn more.

