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21 de mayo de 20241 minute read

Unit linked insurance products – New IVASS rules: issues and opportunities for insurers, distributors, and asset managers

#DeRisk Breakfast

21 May 2024 | 09:30 – 10:45 CET

In March this year IVASS launched a second consultation phase on the draft regulation intended to change the rules for unit-linked policies after 22 years. The consultation phase will close on 27 May.

In this webinar practitioners from DLA Piper Italy insurance and financial services sectors will analyze the most debated provisions of the draft regulation, whether the aim of providing a level playing field for all market players has been reached and the possible loopholes of the new rules that should change the Italian unit linked products’ regulatory framework.

Agenda – Main topics

  • The scope of application of IVASS consultation document no. 2/2024: a level playing field for all?
  • The new investment rules: a comparison with the previous rules – pros and cons
  • The demographic “riskcentricity”: lights and shadows
  • Existing and new products: the applicable regime 
  • Conclusions: much ado about nothing? Challenges and opportunities for insurers, distributors and asset managers

