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Ricardo Caiado Lima

Partner, Campos Mello Advogados (cooperation firm)*
Up-and-coming partner Ricardo Caiado Lima often assists clients with internal investigations and the structuring and implementation of compliance programmes. He is singled out by a client for his "robust technical knowledge, proactivity, agility and availability." Another interviewee says: "He has a lot of professional and academic experience in compliance," and concludes: "His work is impeccable."
Chambers, Global guide, 2022

Ricardo advises individuals and corporations in compliance, investigations, and white-collar crimes.

He supports clients in a range of compliance matters including integrity risk assessments, implementation of compliance programs from scratch, corporate investigations, and ABC due diligences in M&A projects.

He also has experience in the vast Brazilian criminal legislation, supporting clients in corporate criminal litigation, legal opinions, and implementation of corporate programs to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.

DLA Piper and Campos Mello Advogados (CMA) are separate and independent law firms, which work in cooperation with one another. Partners of DLA Piper are not partners of CMA; and CMA partners are not partners of DLA Piper.


  • Conduction of an internal investigation as part of a leniency agreement entered between the client and the Brazilian Law Enforcement Agencies (the largest ever signed in Brazil). The investigation aimed at obtaining evidence of wrongdoing disclosed by shareholders and directors, as well as additional information on potential other wrongdoing that could be uncovered during the investigation. The case was unprecedented in Brazil, the internal investigation was monitored by an independent committee and the final report was submitted to the competent Brazilian Law Enforcement Agencies.
  • Conduction of an internal investigation to assess the investments made by a large pension fund in two equity investment funds. The investigation was conducted in the context of large government criminal investigation called "Operação Greenfield", the final report was delivered to Federal Prosecutors and supported the client's collaboration position.
  • Coordination of a large internal investigation to assess wrongdoing disclosed by whistle-blowers. The wrongdoing involved different schemes of fund's misappropriation by the CEO, the CFO, and lower-level employees from the client's Brazilian subsidiary. An operation coordinated with the company's headquarters board in the US, an external forensics company and CMA's compliance, tax, labor, and corporate teams was set to collect devices for evidence gathering, document review and termination of the involved employees.
  • Portuguese
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Masters Business Administration in Compliance and Fraud Risks Management, Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA) 2019

  • Specialization in Compliance, Instituto Ensino e Pesquisa (INSPER) 2016

  • Post-graduate Degree in White-Collar and Corporate Crime Law, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra e Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais 2014


    Post-graduate Degree in Criminal Law and Procedure, Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp e Instituto Panamericano de Política Criminal 2012


    Law Degree, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo 2009


Chambers Global

  • Band 4, Brazil, Compliance, (2025)
  • Up and Coming, Brazil, Compliance, (2022-2024)

Chambers Brazil

  • Up and Coming, Brazil, Compliance, (2021-2023)

Chambers Brazil: Contentious

  • Band 4, Brazil, Compliance, (2024)
  • Up and Coming, Brazil, Compliance, (2021 – 2023)

Who's Who Legal

  • Future Leaders – Partners, Investigations, (2022 - 2023)

The Legal 500 Latin America

  • Recommended, Brazil, Compliance, (2021-2024)
  • Recommended, Brazil, TMT: Cybersecurity and Data Privacy, (2021, 2022, 2024)

Leaders League

  • Brazil, Leader of valuable practice, Compliance, (2020 - 2022)

Who's Who Legal

  •  Global Future Leader Partners in Investigations, (2022 - 2023)

Who's Who Legal

  •  Thought Leaders Global Elite - Investigations - Under 45, (2023)

Best Lawyers Brazil

  •  Recommended, Lawyer in Corporate Criminal, (2021 - 2023)

Análise Advicacia

  •  Recognized as one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil in Compliance, (2020 - 2023)


  • Co-author, "Managing Investigations - Best practice in Government and Internal Investigations, WorldECR, July 2021
  • Co-author, "Advocacia contemporânea e a interdisciplinaridade do direito penal empresarial," Editora D'Plácido, 2021
  • Co-author, "Compliance no Direito Penal, Volume 5," Revista Dos Tribunais, August 31, 2020

Media Mentions

  • Mentioned, "Conflito de interesses publico privado," Valor, September 9, 2021
  • Mentioned, "Os programas de compliance na nova Lei de Licitações e seus desafios," ESTADÃO, August 8, 2021

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Association of Certified Fraud Investigators (ACFE)
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCCRIM)



+55 11 3077 3591
(Work, São Paulo (Cooperation Firm))