Cyril Poels

Cyril Poels

Senior Associate

Cyril Poels is an international tax lawyer. He advises corporate and private equity clients on corporate and international tax law matters, tax structuring of regulated and unregulated investment funds, corporate reorganizations and capital markets transactions.

Cyril also possesses experience in the field of estate planning and provides structuring advice to UHNWIs, family offices, and private banks.

Areas of FocusTax
Bar AdmissionsAvocat a la Cour admitted to the Barreau de Luxembourg


  • Advising Luxembourg-based real estate asset managers with the tax structuring of their downstream investment structures.
  • Advising a US-based leading multinational financial services corporation on the unwinding of synthetic transactions for USD1 billion.
  • Advising a global content company in the film industry sector on the reorganization of its worldwide holding company structure and the tax aspects of a EUR half billion investment plan.
  • Advising a Middle Eastern asset manager on the establishment of a Shari'a-compliant and tax efficient Luxembourg structure to acquire the shares in a Belgian SPV entity full owner of an office building under development in Brussels, Belgium. 
  • Advising UHNWIs on their personal relocation in Luxembourg and restructuring of their wealth via a Luxembourg vehicle.
  • Advising the world's largest medical device company on the tax aspects of its entry into an ECP programme for USD3.5 billion.
  • English
  • French
  • Luxembourg Bar School (Cours complémentaires de droit luxembourgeois), Ministry of Justice, Luxembourg, 2019
  • Master 2 in Tax and Wealth Planning Law, University of Orleans, 2016
  • Master 1 in Notary Law, University Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, 2015


  • Changes to the UK/Luxembourg double tax treaty, July 2023
  • EU Proposal for global minimum Taxation Directive: scope and related considerations for the Luxembourg investment funds’ space, Revue générale de fiscalité luxembourgeoise 2022/2
  • Dual tax residence: when the tie does not break., Agefi Luxembourg, 202
  • Corporate reorganisations in Luxembourg, Lexology Getting The Deal Through (GTDT), 2021
  • La nouvelle circulaire 164ter/1 relative au régime des sociétés étrangères contrôlées : entre clarifications équivoques et difficultés pratiques persistantes, Revue de Droit Fiscal, 2020
  • Loi PACTE: l’assurance-vie luxembourgeoise dans le viseur de Bercy ?, AGEFI Luxembourg, November 2018

Prior Experience

  • 2019 to date: Associate, DLA Piper Luxembourg
  • 2017-19: Tax Specialist, a multinational bank, Luxembourg

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)
