anna large

Anna Mazzoncini

Legal Director

Anna Mazzoncini is specialised in administrative litigation and advice on public contracts. 

The activity of judicial assistance and out-of-court advice, carried out in the main areas of administrative law and public economic law, covers the following topics:

  • Judicial assistance before administrative and accounting courts, as well as before the competent administrative authorities.
  • Assistance and advice to national and international clients in the context of participation in tender procedures for the award of works, supply and service contracts, works and services concessions.
  • Assistance and consultancy to national and international clients in the execution phase of tender contracts and, in general, support for the solution of problems related to the management of the aforesaid phase.
  • Assistance to national and international clients in the preparation of public-private partnership proposals, as well as in the phase following the submission of the proposal and up to the conclusion of the selection procedure.
  • Assistance and advice in connection with the participation of customers in projects financed through the PNRR.
  • Assistance and advice in favour of State concessionaires in monopoly matters.
  • Assistance and legal support in projects for the valorisation and disposal of public real estate assets, including through the establishment of real estate funds
  • Assistance to companies operating in the pharmaceutical sector and support in managing relations with the competent regulatory authorities.
Bar admissionsAvvocato admitted to the Rome Bar
  • Italian
  • English
  • Scuola Superiore dell'Economia e delle Finanze, Master's degree in "The Defense of Public Administrations in Administrative Proceedings"
  • LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Law Degree
