18 April 20242 minute read

Business Advisory: How to build investment thesis clarity for better M&A outcomes

In M&A, clarity on business rationale and investment thesis is critical.

So how do you build it?

Often the lack of specificity in M&A investment thesis leads to poor decision-making. It is crucial to determine at a detailed level “how” and “where” a deal will create value. This involves moving beyond generic assumptions to a detailed vision, rigorous due diligence and a robust implementation plan.

Common questions relating to the integration of operational platforms and the impacts of divestments need clear, granular answers.

The M&A investment thesis should guide deal objectives and execution performance tracking while ensuring alignment across all organisational levels. Initial stakeholder alignment on success metrics is key and while agility in approach is necessary, the core M&A investment thesis and goals must remain.

Ultimately a detailed understanding of value creation sharpens focus and drives success in M&A.

Access our free guide to build a robust M&A investment thesis for your business.


We help clients to address the inherently complex risk of M&A by uplifting capability and overcoming any capacity challenges. Our integrated team accompanies you through the deal lifecycle with a single point of accountability from the pre-deal strategy and preparation, deal execution all the way through to close and integration/separation. We also provide specialised advice in M&A ESG, ventures and joint ventures.

For more information reach out to Guy Fisher.
