Ton van Doremalen
PartnerTon advises both local and international clients in relation to operating their businesses, cross-border investments and activities in a tax efficient and compliant manner.
Ton's practice encompasses advice on cross-border tax structuring and tax advice relating to M&A transactions for clients such as Gulf-based corporates, sovereign wealth funds, private equity investors, high net worth individuals and family offices.Ton also advises corporate clients from Europe, North America and Asia on their inbound Middle East inbound transactions and investments, projects and company set-ups.
From a local business perspective, Ton is involved in providing tax advice relating to VAT in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Oman as well as to direct taxes, including corporate income tax and withholding taxes, across the Gulf countries. Most recently Ton has been advising many local and international businesses on the new UAE federal corporate income tax.
Ton has over 20 years of experience specializing in tax structuring involving jurisdictions such as the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the UK and the UAE, and he has been working out of Dubai for the last 7 years.
- Advising one of the largest UAE family-owned business conglomerates on a variety of (technical) aspects of the new UAE corporate income tax.
- Providing tax structuring advice to one of the UAE’s largest school operators by analyzing and comparing multiple jurisdictions for an education related holding- and IP operating platform.
- Assisting a leading Saudi Arabian chemical joint venture on a >USD250m KSA tax dispute focusing on permanent establishment and withholding tax issues, including Mutual Agreement Procedure.
- Providing GCC wide tax structuring advice to a globally active ecological farming business for an efficient corporate and tax structure across the Gulf region.
- Advising a UAE headquartered design and engineering conglomerate on the tax efficient restructuring of the corporate group and intragroup arrangements, anticipating the new UAE corporate income tax and transfer pricing regime.
- Advising an internationally active technology company on a tax efficient holding and IP ownership structure analyzing jurisdictions such as the UAE, UK, Netherlands, Singapore and Switzerland, whilst considering economic substance, DEMPE and the principal purpose test under double tax treaties.
- Providing tax structuring advice for a multijurisdictional M&A transaction relating to a USD2.4bn acquisition of a Middle East food producer and franchise business.
- Advising one of the world’s largest tools manufacturers regarding their regional holding and IP structure from an international tax and UAE economic substance perspective.
- Providing tax advice to a UAE based private equity firm in connection with the setting up of a renewable energy platform focusing on 10 project countries in North- and Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Advising a US oil and gas services group on the tax structuring in relation to the acquisition of a Gulf and North Africa based target group, involving subsidiaries and branches.
- Advising a Gulf based financial group on tax structuring for setting up a Sharia compliant multi-country platform.
- English
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Leiden University, Master Tax Law
- “Designed to thrive, the UAE’s new corporate income tax”, The Oath, March 2022
- UAE introduces federal corporate income tax from June 2023, 31 January 2022
- United Arab Emirates and Israel sign Double Tax Treaty, 9 June 2021
- Saudi Arabia extends tax amnesty scheme enabling international groups to regularize historic tax exposure, 1 February 2021
- Two more weeks for the Economic Substance reporting to avoid penalties, 15 December 2020
- Upcoming Economic Substance reporting obligations and how UAE businesses can prepare, 26 October 2020
- Oman introduces VAT: A law firm's perspective, 22 October 2020
- "Oman Implements VAT" - Bloomberg Tax, 23 April 2021
- "INSIGHT: UAE’s New Economic Substance Legislation", Bloomberg Tax, June 2019
- "INSIGHT: VAT Agent Rules in United Arab Emirates", Bloomberg Tax, May 2019
- "GCC VAT Recovery: I wanna make sure you're ready", IBFD International VAT Monitor, April 2019
- "INSIGHT: Compensation Payments and VAT" (Part 1)", Bloomberg Tax, November 2018
- "INSIGHT: Compensation Payments and VAT" (Part 2)", Bloomberg Tax, November 2018
- "United Arab Emirates Country Tax Guide" - Bloomberg Tax, BNA
- "Saudi Arabia Country Tax Guide" - Bloomberg Tax, BNA
- "Oman Country Tax Guide" - Bloomberg Tax, BNA
- "UAE Signs Multilateral Instrument – Impact On UAE's Double Tax Treaties And Implications For Investors And Businesses", published by Global Tax Weekly - A Closer Look, July 2018
- "GCC VAT: A New Constitution is now Established?", published online by Bloomberg, July 2018
- "Multinationals Take Note: Tax Changes In Oman And Considerations For Foreign Investors", Global Tax Weekly, May 2018
- "Analysis of the U.A.E.-U.K. tax treaty", Tax Notes International, February 2017
Memberships And Affiliations
- Board Member and Chairman IFA UAE Branch
- International Fiscal Association (IFA)
- Dutch Tax Advisers Association (NOB)