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Steve Huffaker


Steve Huffaker is a partner in the Austin office. Steve's practice focuses mainly on pharmaceutical and medical device product liability litigation, with an emphasis on mass tort coordination and strategy, early assessment and resolution of cases, group settlement administration, litigation risk strategy and fact and expert witness development and discovery.

Steve represents an array of life sciences companies in a variety of litigation contexts, ranging from the largest consolidated mass tort proceedings to the smallest individual claims. He has served on national counsel teams for major pharmaceutical and medical device litigations in which he has implemented mass tort settlement programs, developed company witnesses and company defense theories, retained and prepared expert witnesses in various disciplines, investigated the key scientific and regulatory issues, and participated in discovery and motion practice in various jurisdictions.

Steve has represented these companies in smaller, individual product liability cases as well, in which he has had primary responsibility for litigation strategy, early case assessment, substantive and jurisdictional discovery, and settlement negotiations. Steve is currently managing a large aggregate settlement program for a global life sciences company. Utilizing this experience, Steve also advises pharmaceutical and medical device companies in assessing the product liability litigation risks pertaining to their current, developing, or targeted products.

Steve is an active member of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device group. He has tried twelve cases to verdict as a temporary prosecutor for the City of Austin. 

Bar admissions / Professional QualificationsTexas
CourtsUnited States District Court for the Eastern District of TexasUnited States District Court for the Western District of TexasUnited States District Court for the District of Colorado


  • Representing a global life sciences company as settlement counsel in nationwide mass tort litigation and managing the resolution of tens of thousands of cases
  • Representing a large international medical device company in its female pelvic mesh litigation, with responsibility for the management of aggregate settlements involving thousands of claimants
  • Serving as a member of the national counsel team for three pharmaceutical companies involved in nationwide mass tort litigation regarding their jointly-marketed osteoporosis medication
  • Representing an international pharmaceutical company in nationwide mass tort litigation involving its atrial fibrillation medication
  • Represented a large medical device company in lawsuit involving its reverse shoulder implant in which successful expert challenge induced favorable settlement
  • Represented an international pharmaceutical company in lawsuit involving its prescription anti-epilepsy medication involving successful challenges to plaintiff's forum choice
  • Represented an international pharmaceutical company in a claim involving its prescription topical acne medication in which motion to dismiss under Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code Section 82.007 led to favorable settlement 
  • Participated as member of the national coordinating counsel team and trial team representing a large pharmaceutical company in the phenylpropanolamine (PPA) multidistrict litigation; handled significant responsibilities for litigation management and coordination, development of discovery, and preparation of key company witnesses at two trials; represented client in the preparation of numerous omnibus motions to dismiss resulting in the dismissal of thousands of claims
  • Served on expert witness development team in coordinated mass tort litigation involving a pharmaceutical company's antipsychotic medication; identified, retained and prepared several leading medical researchers for deposition
  • Represented international pharmaceutical company in lawsuit involving its prescription antidiuretic medication, managing all aspects of the lawsuit including strategy, pleadings and discovery; represented client at settlement conference, obtaining a favorable settlement
  • Prepared litigation risk assessments for international medical device company regarding company's newly-acquired products and potential target products
  • Represented international medical device company in mass tort litigation involving its radiation-emitting computed tomography (CT) devices
  • Participated in the representation of an international agriculture science company in litigation involving genetically-modified rice; deposed dozens of rice farmers seeking commercial damages; litigation settled on favorable terms
  • Prepared settlement agreements and related documents as part of national settlement program for leading pharmaceutical company in connection with conclusion of its litigation involving MRI contrast agent
  • Assisted in representation of international pharmaceutical company in mass tort litigation involving its transdermal contraceptive patch; identified and developed expert witnesses on effects of direct-to-consumer marketing
  • Assisted in representation of a major pharmaceutical company in mass tort litigation involving its prescription pain medication; served on attorney team responsible for deposition preparation of key sales representatives
  • Assisted in representation of international pharmaceutical company in product liability cases involving oral contraceptive; researched and developed trial modules focusing on key warning language in U.S. and international labels
  • J.D., The University of Texas at Austin
  • B.A., Political Science, Yale University

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Defense Research Institute
  • Austin Bar Association
