English-language webinar series: DLA Piper – Transfer Pricing Insights Germany
31 March 2025, 15.00 – 16.00 CET, Webinar
Our series of webinars that take place quarterly provides an update on the most relevant developments in the legislative environment that governs transfer pricing in Germany. Each webinar summarises the most relevant developments in legislation, case law and promulgations from the tax administration and offers insights on the practical implications.
The webinar on 31 March 2025 analyses recent rulings of German tax courts on intra-group financing, cash pooling and on the use of expert opinions in tax litigation. Moreover, it provides a reflection on the latest developments regarding the re-writing of Chapter VII of the OECD Guidelines combined with an update on the latest tax audit experience in the field of service charges. Finally, we will provide insights into a new trend of imposing transfer pricing penalties for non-cooperation or late submission of documents (section 162 General Tax Code) across several tax periods and the lawfulness of such an approach that results in disproportionate penalty charges.
With DLA Piper events, webinars and roundtables, we find answers that go beyond legal services. True to our claim: Crossing new horizons together.
Please send an e-mail to veranstaltung@dlapiper.com if you have any questions about this event.
Here you get to the overview of all sessions from the English-language webinar series.