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Billy Franco

Billy Franco

Principal Associate

Billy is a litigator and arbitration specialist, among other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. His experience is mainly in the arbitration with the State, having advised various types of suppliers of the same, but above all contractors of infrastructure works.


Academic Experience
  • Teaching Assistant of the Contracts II and Economic Analysis of Law course at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (2008-2009)
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Graduate in Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 2012
  • International Federation of Consulting Engineers – Peruvian Association of Consulting (2016)
  • Management of variations and claims and resolution of disputes in the framework of contracts - FIDIC Universidad del Pacífico – American Chamber of Commerce in Lima


Chambers Latin America

  • Associate to Watch, Peru Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2024 – 2025)

The Legal 500 Latin America

  • Recommended, Peru Dispute Resolution: Arbitration (2024)


  • "Some reflections on the introduction of abandonment to arbitrations in which the Peruvian state is a party" By Billy Franco Arias, principal associate. Monthly Newsletter - Legal Sector of the Service Guild of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, pages 4-5. November 2021. Read more here >>
  • "El carácter vinculante de las opiniones del Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado". En: Derecho & Sociedad N° 44 (2015). Ponencia sobre elección del perito y finalidad de la pericia en el arbitraje. En: Actas de Séptimo Congreso Internacional de Arbitraje de Lima 2013. Lima: Thomson & Reuters, 2014.
  • "La preocupación por la neutralidad de los peritos arbitrales". (Coautoría.) En: Panorama actual del arbitraje. Lima: Palestra Editores, 2010.

Teaching experience

  • Associate Professor, "Contracts II and Economic Analysis of Law," School of Law, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (2008 - 2009)

Memberships And Affiliations

  • International Federation of Consulting Engineers – Peruvian Advisory Association (2016)
  • Lima Bar Association
