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Jordan Deering


Chair, Canadian Corporate Crime, Compliance and Investigations Group

Pronouns: she/her/hers


In cases of serious misconduct, Jordan assists companies in conducting thorough, business-focused investigations and managing any subsequent legal proceedings in a way that supports legal and regulatory compliance and mitigates risk. Jordan works closely with businesses and their senior leadership to recognise and decipher their challenges, evaluate the risks, and create a clear plan of action to address any underlying legal non-compliance and protect their brand reputation. 

Jordan is Chair of the Canadian Corporate Crime, Compliance and Investigations Group. She brings over 20 years of experience acting in litigation, investigations, and ‎regulatory proceedings involving all aspects of fraud, bribery, corruption, and white collar crime. Her mandates have involved a wide range of privileged and confidential investigations and legal proceedings ‎relating to fraudulent schemes, conflicts of interests, kick-backs and bribes, self-dealing, asset ‎misappropriation, regulatory non-compliance, accounting issues, and other corporate misconduct. She ‎often reports directly to the company’s senior executives, board of directors, or special committees relating ‎to these sensitive and serious investigation matters.‎

Jordan provides advice on compliance with and investigations pertaining to the Corruption of Foreign Public ‎Officials Act. She is regularly called upon by clients to assist in developing fraud and corruption prevention ‎policies and programs, including whistleblower programs, compliance officer training, and risk assessment.‎

To support clients in fraud recovery litigation, Jordan has obtained and administered Anton Piller ‎orders (civil search warrants), Mareva injunctions (asset freezing orders), Norwich Pharmacal orders (third ‎party production orders), preservation orders and receivership orders.‎

Jordan also has extensive experience with mandates concerning Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) incidents, representing clients during incident investigations for serious workplace incidents, and representing clients charged with regulatory and criminal offences. Jordan has successfully defended clients through successful trial judgment, through Jordan applications for dismissal, and through negotiated resolutions with the Crown.

Bar admissionsAlberta, 2002Ontario, 2023


Jordan has acted on the following mandates: 

  • Successful in a $32M summary judgment application based on unjust enrichment/constructive trust, ATB v Real Industries 333 Corp, 2023 ABKB 503. 
  • Successfully represented Hemostemix in an arbitration, resulting in findings that the former President/CEO breached fiduciary duty and conflict of interest – the link to the decision is here
  • Completed a confidential internal investigation relating to a kick-back scheme and initiated related litigation for recovery.
  • Represented a company impacted by the Mareva injunction in the class action proceedings arising from the Ottawa “Trucker Convoy” (Zexi Li et al v Chris Barber et al).
  • Advised numerous entities regarding the Emergency Economic Measures Order and the changes to Canada’s Proceed of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act relating to crowdfunding and payment processors.
  • Conducted a confidential investigation for a TSX company respecting a whistleblower complaint relating to Code of Conduct and other serious allegations of misconduct by senior management.
  • Representing a private company respecting litigation relating to alleged fraud by a former employee.
  • Represented numerous financial institutions respecting a complex multi-million dollar fraud scheme and investigation.
  • Represented numerous financial institutions regarding litigation relating to a fraudulent scheme.
  • Legal counsel to Doyle Salewski Inc., in its capacity as trustee and receiver of Golden Oaks Enterprises Inc. and Jean-Claude Lacasse regarding civil proceedings to recover damages against various individuals that allegedly participated in the Ponzi scheme.  Doyle Salewski Inc v Scott et al, 2020 ONSC 7725.
  • Represented a public entity regarding an extensive investigation relating to various alleged misconduct involving conflicts of interest, procurement, and compliance.
  • Legal counsel to a private company relating to an alleged fraudulent scheme involved factored accounts receivable.
  • Legal counsel to the forensic computer expert concerning court proceedings for the return of seized hard drives as a result of the set aside of a Mareva injunction - Tiger Calcium Services Inc v Sazwan, 2019 ABQB 500.
  • R v Nexen Energy ULC – August 31, 2017 (unreported pre-trial decision) - Successful Jordan application for permanent stay of prosecution for unreasonable delay.
  • R v Servisair Inc., 2012 ABPC 63 – Counsel to defendants in defence of quasi-criminal prosecution for a workplace fatality.
  • English
  • LL.B., University of Saskatchewan, ‎‎2001‎
  • B.Comm., University of ‎Saskatchewan, 2000‎


  • Leading Practitioner (Asset Recovery), Who's Who Legal, 2024
  • Client Choice Award (Asset Recovery), Lexology, 2023
  • Legal Influencer (Future of Legal Services), Lexology, Q4 2022
  • The Legal 500 Canada (Dispute Resolution), 2022-2023
  • Law Society of Saskatchewan Gold Medallist, 2001‎


  • "Internal workplace investigations: Planning to succeed", Law360 Canada, April 29, 2024
  • "Detoxifying the Anonymous Internet One Troll at a Time: Norwich Orders", [republished by Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada, vol. 23, no. 6, October 2022]
  • "Calling on the Code: Civil Consequences for Cryptocurrency" [republished by Internet and E-Commerce Law in Canada, vol. 23, no 3, July 2022]
  • "Suspicion and Straw Buyer Mortgage Fraud -- Toronto Dominion Bank v. Whitford", Banking and Finance Law Review, Volume 37.2, April 2022
  • ‎“B.C. Court provides Commission another chance to collect from fraudster’s spouse” republished in ‎Canadian Securities Law News, August 2021 issue.
  • “The Employer, the Bank, and the Fraudster: Vicarious Liability and Boma Manufacturing Ltd v CIBC”, 20 BFLR 465, cited by the Supreme Court of Canada in Teva Canada Ltd v TD Canada Trust, 2017 SCC 51., 2005
  • “Alberta Court Clarifies Tracing Principles in Ponzi Scheme: Easy Loan Corporation v Wiseman, ABCA 58”, CBA Law Matters, Spring 2017.
  • “The Supreme Court of Canada rules on ‘knowing assistance’ in the context of fraudulent schemes”, 24 CSFLR 45., 2019
  • “Clawback Proceedings in Bankrupt Ponzi Schemes” Insolvency Insider, 2019
  • “Freezing of Cryptocurrencies in Fraud”, Taxnet Pro, 2020


  • “Beneficial ownership Legislation in Canada” , ACFI Annual Fraud Conference 2024, September 2024
  • "Search and Seizure in White Collar Crime and Civil Corporate Crime Investigations," The Canadian Bar Association, Calgary Branch, January 16, 2024
  • "Compliance Programs – Legal Perspective," Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, November 7-10, 2021
  • "Developments and Trends in Fraud and Investigations," Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, ‎Montreal, October 22, 2019‎
  • "Fraud trends and their Impacts," HSBC, Edmonton, May 16, 2019‎
  • "Pre-Judgement Remedies," Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Calgary, May 2, 2018‎
  • ‎"Remedies for Victims of Fraud," Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Calgary, February 20, 2014‎

Media Mentions

Quoted, "How a woman is using an obscure legal tool to unmask online trolls in court," The Globe and Mail, January 19, 2023

Community Involvement and Teaching

  • Sessional Lecturer, University of Calgary, 2024
  • Alumni Volunteer, University of Saskatchewan Mock Trial, 2022

Memberships And Affiliations

  • Member, Transparency International Canada
  • Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Calgary chapter
  • Board of directors, Green Calgary (2016 - 2019)‎
  • Board of directors, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (2011 - 2016)‎
