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14 September 20231 minute read

DLA Piper advises Equinor / Wento on the acquisition of the 26 MW 'Wilko' onshore wind farm from Helios Group

The law firm DLA Piper has advised Equinor group, on the acquisition of the 26 MW onshore wind farm 'Wilko', located in the Wielkopolska province (Poland), from Helios Group.

The accumulated annual production of the 'Wilko' wind farm is estimated at 105 GWh of energy per year.

The transaction was led and coordinated by Klaudia Lorent under the supervision of Jacek Gizinski, co-managing partner of DLA Piper's Warsaw office, with support from Zofia Waszczykowska.

The regulatory team, coordinated by Mateusz Koszel, included: Dominika Wolf-Jezierska, Szymon Sakowski, Piotr Gałązka, Michał Giżewski, Paweł Szostek, Monika Dmochowska, Marcelina Dembińska and Marek Jaźwiński. Katarzyna Wacławek, partner, was responsible for the banking and finance aspects of the transaction.

We would like to thank Wento team for their cooperation and for the trust during the project.