Arbitration Act 1996: Law Commission final recommendations for reform: a gold standard polished?
The highly anticipated recommendations for reform of the Arbitration Act 19961, accompanied by draft amending legislation, have been released by the Law Commission of England and Wales2, following a year-long consultation which included the publication of two consultation papers3.
In this article we summarise the key recommendations for reform and highlight points to consider when drafting arbitration agreements.
Our take
The consultation offered a once-in-a-generation opportunity for users of English arbitration to reflect on the Act. The Commission’s starting assumption was that the Act did not require “root and branch” review or reform. Instead, the aim was to ensure English arbitration remains state of the art domestically, and a gold standard internationally.
While consensus on all topics was never going to be achievable given the wide range of stakeholder perspectives and priorities engaged, the authors of this article consider the Commission has delivered a sensible and balanced overall package for reform.
The authors welcome, in particular, the proposed new section of the Act which provides that parties are free to select expressly the governing law of the arbitration agreement, but if they fail to do so, the governing law of the arbitration agreement will be the law of the seat of the arbitration*. From a client perspective, such a simple, readily identifiable rule makes practical, commercial sense. It also avoids the potential for confusion and argument and costly satellite litigation. From an international arbitration perspective, the alignment of client choice of arbitral seat and the governing law of the arbitration agreement presents more certainty regarding the legal implications of party choice of “London arbitration”, and aligns with, for example, the approach taken under French and Swedish law on this issue.
What has been proposed?
In the table below, we provide a quick guide to the headline recommendations:
Topic |
Recommendations |
*Governing law of the arbitration agreement |
Reform proposed?: Yes Key points:
We discuss this topic in greater detail in the following article. |
Arbitrators’ duty of disclosure |
Reform proposed?: Yes Key points:
Arbitrator independence |
Reform proposed?: No Key points:
Summary disposal of claims/defences |
Reform proposed?: Yes Key points:
Arbitral confidentiality |
Reform proposed?: No Key points:
Section 44 of the Act (court powers in support of arbitration) |
Reform proposed?: Partial Key points:
Emergency arbitration |
Reform proposed?: Partial Key points:
Section 67 of the Act (substantive jurisdiction challenges to English-seated arbitral awards) |
Reform proposed?: Yes (but not statutory) Key points:
Other amendments related to section 67 are proposed but are outside the scope of this article. |
Arbitrator liability (when ceases functions) |
Reform proposed?: Yes Key points:
Arbitral discrimination |
Reform proposed?: No Key points:
Section 69 of the Act (point of law appeals in English-seated arbitrations) |
Reform proposed?: No Key points:
What happens next?
It is now for the UK Government to decide whether to accept the Commission’s recommendations (in whole or in part). The Commission has prepared draft amending legislation in the form of a Bill (annexed to the final report), which the UK Government may decide to introduce into the UK Parliament. We expect that such non-partisan law reform, which is important to maintain London’s leading role as a centre for international dispute resolution, should pass smoothly, subject to parliamentary time being available.
Justice Minister, Lord Bellamy has (rather hopefully) said: “Arbitration is a vital measure to help people and businesses resolve disputes swiftly and effectively, without the expense of going through court proceedings. This process must be underpinned by effective laws, and we will respond to the Law Commission’s report shortly so we can maintain the UK’s reputation as a world leader in resolving legal disputes.”
Reflecting on the recommendations: key points for parties or counsel drafting arbitration agreements
While we remain at the recommendations stage, there are some points of practice in relation to some of the issues discussed during the consultation period which parties may wish to adopt regardless of what happens next:
- Governing law of the arbitration agreement: Despite the decision of the UK Supreme Court in Enka v Chubb [2020] UKSC 38, there remains scope for uncertainty, under English law, as to the governing law of an arbitration agreement, absent express choice by the parties. To avoid doubt and potential dispute, parties should express their choice of governing law of the arbitration agreement in writing, in addition to setting out the governing law of the matrix contract. If the Commission’s reforms are made law, the absence of party choice will result in the law of the seat of the arbitration agreement being deemed to be the governing law of the arbitration agreement, which may, or may not, accord with party intention. As discussed in our article, the law of the arbitration agreement determines important matters such as the separability of the arbitration agreement, the arbitrability of disputes, the scope of the arbitration agreement, and the confidentiality and privacy of the arbitral proceedings. As such, certainty as to the governing law of the arbitration agreement is highly desirable. Further, as the proposed new section will, as currently framed, only apply to arbitration agreements concluded on or after the date the revised Act comes into force, it is worth clause drafters being aware of this potential rule now and including their express choice of governing law of the arbitration agreement in writing.
- Arbitral confidentiality: While some national laws (including English law) and arbitral rules (such as those of the LCIA) often make provision for arbitral confidentiality, it is not always the case. Given confidentiality is often a key concern for parties when choosing to arbitrate rather than litigate before national courts, it may be prudent to include express provisions regarding arbitral confidentiality in the arbitration agreement itself or in a standalone confidentiality agreement between the parties.
- Summary disposal of claims and defences: If the summary disposal of claims and defences is not considered appropriate for the parties in the context of their transaction and potential disputes, it is possible to exclude the possibility of the tribunal exercising such a power with exclusionary wording. While many parties may not wish to exclude the possibility of this power being exercised at the contracting stage (which may result in the quicker and cheaper determination of the parties’ dispute without compromising fairness), contracting out may be appropriate in some circumstances. For example, it would be appropriate where any potential disputes are likely to be complex and unsuitable to be determined on a summary basis.
- Point of law appeals on English law: While no reform in this area is recommended, the exercise serves as a reminder that such appeals are available in English-seated proceedings on an opt-out basis. If the parties’ chosen arbitration rules incorporated into the arbitration agreement do not exclude such appeals (which is typically the effect of choosing, for example, the LCIA and ICC rules), parties may wish to consider whether such appeals should be available in any future disputes between them.
The above points are, of course, just some of the relevant considerations when drafting arbitration agreements. If you would like to discuss the reform project or any other arbitration-related matters, please contact the authors of this article.
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1England and English are used in this article as convenient shorthand for England and Wales/English and Welsh, unless the context indicates otherwise. Part I of the Act applies to arbitrations seated in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
2Review of the Arbitration Act 1996
3See our previous coverage: The Law Commission’s review of the Arbitration Act 1996 and Law applicable to arbitration agreements: Law Commission consults on new statutory rule