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Étudiants au bureau de Montréal

Our Montréal office provides students with an opportunity to experience a well-rounded, challenging environment. Students enjoy the benefit of drawing on large pools of expertise in a stable, established environment. We offer a small-firm collegial atmosphere with the benefits of an international firm practice.

Program description

Those hired assist our lawyers in areas including international business law, corporate and commercial law, commercial and civil litigation and employment law. We do not employ a formal rotation schedule in the Montréal office, but rather encourage our students to participate in a number of areas of practice.

The small size of our Montréal office allows us to delegate a high level of responsibility to our students. Our work environment fosters open communication and discussion among our lawyers and students.

Student Resources

All of the lawyers in the office provide mentorship and guidance to our students. The firm’s administrative resources are also available to students as necessary.

Professional Development

One feature that distinguishes us from many other major firms is the degree of responsibility our students and associates are encouraged to assume early in their careers. Students and associates are also encouraged to pursue their own professional interests and develop specialties.  We provide them with the necessary resources and training to do so.

Workstations and Administrative Support

Each student is provided with a computer and an individual workstation. Legal assistants throughout the office provide assistance, as required.

Compensation and Benefits

Our students' salaries and benefits are competitive to those of other downtown Montréal firms and are reviewed annually. We offer a $6,000 tuition bonus to our summer students upon signing on as articling students with us.

How to Apply

Our hiring criteria are varied and flexible. While strong academic achievement is obviously important, our primary emphasis is on hiring candidates who are personable and who demonstrate, through their résumés and interviews, initiative, effective communication skills, leadership, involvement in law-related and community activities, and team spirit.

DLA is a signatory of the Entente de Recrutement and will be hiring for 2025 and 2026 through the course aux stages process.

If you have questions about our Montréal Student Program, please contact Analea Wayne, K.C., Director of Lawyer & Student Development at

Current Students

Emelie Arbitbol

Emelie Abitbol

University of Ottawa
+1 514 392 8403
Vasili Moshopoulos

Vasili Moshopoulos (Articling)

Université de Montréal
+1 514 392 8409
*starts May 15th

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