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Prof Dr Ludger Giesberts LL.M.

Market-leading expert... always comes up with innovative solutions.
Client/competitor, JUVE Handbook 2022 - 2021

Prof. Dr Ludger Giesberts advises companies, financial institutions, trade associations, public companies, federal and state authorities and municipalities on all matters of public commercial law. He focuses on environmental and planning law, product safety and product liability law, EU law, aviation law, export control law as well as advising on public-private partnership projects and government affairs.

He represents companies, authorities and associations before the civil and administrative courts as well as the ECJ and CFI, including the German Airports Association (ADV), airlines, various federal ministries and industrial companies. Ludger Giesberts has many years of experience in representing various federal authorities in (EU) state liability and public liability matters. 

Ludger Giesberts is responsible for the area of ESG across all practice groups in Germany. He is Co-Head of the DLA Piper International Product Stewardship and Product Liability Steering Group. He is also a member of the firm-wide Brexit Committee, which coordinates and implements the firm's strategy with regard to the legal consequences of Brexit.

In the area of environmental law, Ludger advises, inter alia, on product-related environmental law, licensing law, waste and disposal law, emmission, soil and water protection and nature conservation law. Ludger also advises on environmental and planning law issues in infrastructure projects and M&A transactions as well as foreign trade law issues in this regard. He also has extensive experience in industrial and occupational accidents and other crisis and incident situations.

In the area of product law, Ludger advises on product compliance issues such as product responsibility, product liability and product safety. He has extensive experience in packaging law and on product labelling obligations and the coordination of worldwide product recalls.

Professional QualificationsRechtsanwalt admitted with Rechtsanwaltskammer Cologne


  • Judicial representation of industry and waste disposal companies on environmental and waste law before administrative courts, Court of Justice of EU and European Court of Justice
  • Advising a chemical company regarding the sale of a business segment based in a chemical park
  • Advising an energy company with respect to the upcoming legislative changes regarding the use of fracking technologies
  • Advising companies on product law / product safety, including recalls, as well as automobile manufacturers in the field of "autonomous driving"
  • Advising an industrial company in the context of an environmental damage case
  • Advising airlines and airports on aviation law
  • Advising infrastructure companies and federal states on EU state aid law and representation before the EU Commission
  • Judicial representation of companies as well as national authorities (inter alia ministries, the German Federal Aviation Authority) in (EU) state liability matters.
  • German
  • English
  • Dutch
  • Universities of Trier and Bonn, First and Second State Examination, Dr. jur.
  • London School of Economics and Political Science, LL.M.
  • The German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Magister Rerum Publicarum


  • JUVE Handbook 2023/2024: Frequently recommended for public law: constitutional and economic administrative law, foreign trade law and the transport sector: regulatory and financing as well as for ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance; "highly qualified", competitor; "true professional", client
  • Legal 500 Germany 2023: Recommended for public law: environmental and planning law (including product related advice), trade and distribution law: foreign trade law, compliance, dispute resolution: commercial disputes and advice of the transport sector; 2022: “Excellent expertise with fast and efficient advisory practice.”
  • Chambers Europe Germany 2024: Recommended for public law
  • Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers 2024/2025: Recognised as “lawyer of the year” for environmental law (2020) and recommended for environmental law, public law, litigation as well as corporate governance and compliance


Ludger Giesberts is the author of numerous book contributions and over 110 publications. He is, amongst others, co-editor of the journal "KlimaRZ Zeitschrift für materielles und prozessuales Klimarecht" (Journal for substantive and procedural climate law) published by Fachmedien Otto Schmidt and of the Beck'sche Online Commentary Giesberts/Reinhardt "Umweltrecht" (Environmental law). Ludger Giesberts is a member of the editorial board of the "Journal of Airport Management" and initiator and organizer of the conference "Deutsche Luftfahrttage" (German Aviation Days).

  • Associations' Actions for Collective Interests - The EU Directive and the Draft German Implementation Act, ZfPC 2023, p. 7 ff.
  • Who is actually deciding here? Climate protection between legislature and judiciary, together with Dr. Wolfgang Haas in Börsenzeitung, pp. 20, 1.12.2022
  • Collective Interests and Climate Lawsuits, KlimaRZ 7-8/2022, p. 161, 15.11.2022
  • Due diligence obligations for the supply chain - The German law and the EU draft directive, NVwZ 20/2022, pp. 1497, 15.10.2022
  • Climate change in court (together with Dr. Wolfgang Haas), KlimaRZ 1/2022, p. 3 ff., 15.5.2022
  • "Diesel traffic bans" exceptionally possible ("'Diesel-Verkehrsverbote' ausnahmsweise möglich!"), Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2018, p. 1276 et seqq
  • Giesberts/Reinhardt, Beck's online commentary environmental law ("Beck'scher Onlinekommentar Umweltrecht"), continuously updated, printed version: 2nd edition 2018
  • Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, Commentary ("Elektronikgerätegesetz – ElektroG, Kommentar"), publishing house Beck Verlag , 3rd edition 2018
  • Giesberts/Kastelec, The fracking regulatory package ("Das Regelungspaket zum Fracking"), Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2017, p. 360 et seqq
  • Current issues concerning the fee collection according to Sec. 19b of the German Aviation Act ("Aktuelle Fragen der Entgelterhebung nach § 19b LuftVG"), Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht (ZLW) 2016, p. 328 et seqq

Prior Experience

Ludger became a Partner at DLA Piper in March 2008. Before that, he worked for another international law firm for 15 years (10 years as a partner).


Ludger is a honorary professor (Honorarprofessor) at the University of Cologne, where he lectures on German public economic law, EU and communal law.

Memberships And Affiliations

  • German-British Lawyer Association
  • Association for Environmental Law
