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Fabien Ganivet

Head of Litigation and Regulatory, France
Fabien Ganivet is responsive, pragmatic and clear. He knows how to respond to the sometimes complex requests of our company and provides complete and documented answers.
Chambers Europe - 2023

Fabien Ganivet heads DLA Piper’s Litigation & Regulatory department in France, which brings together a team of around 45 lawyers (the largest group of the Paris office).

Within the firm’s Paris office, he created a renowned practice that includes compliance (risk prevention and compliance programmes), global investigations and white-collar defense (criminal business law, economic, financial and employment-related criminal law).

Fabien advises and assists different types of corporates, in particular legal, ethics and compliance and human resources departments of major groups, in the implementation, assessment and strengthening of their compliance measures (governance, code of conduct, risk mapping, whistleblowing, internal controls, training, etc.) in the context of both new French legal requirements (Sapin II Law, Duty of care and oversight) and foreign regulations (UKBA, FCPA) they may be subject to.

Providing the firm’s clients with advice and litigation assistance, Fabien also represents companies and their executives in the framework of criminal or regulatory investigations and proceedings led by French judicial and regulatory authorities (AFA, AMF, DGCCRF, labour inspectorate, etc.) as well as foreign Government agencies. Fabien’s expertise extends more generally to all criminal business litigation (from initial investigations through to trial), risk prevention and crisis management, and he has extensive experience in corporate- and employment-related criminal law.

Professional QualificationsAvocat admitted to the Paris Bar, 2012
  • French
  • English
  • French National School for the Judiciary (E.N.M.), Top of class, 2001
  • University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), D.E.A. (Postgraduate degree), Law
  • Graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Sciences (Sciences-Po), Public Service section

    Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA), Harvard Summer School


  • Chambers Europe – Corporate Compliance & Investigations – Band 3 – 2022 to 2024
  • Legal 500 EMEA – Tier 3 – Compliance, “A structured and united team.’ – 2024
  • Legal 500 EMEA– Tier 4 – Dispute resolution: White-collar crime – 2024
  • “Solid team, led by Fabien Ganivet and Pierre Stasse, solid experience.” & “‘Extremely efficient. Solution-oriented. Pierre Stasse is very practical, solution-oriented, and competent. He is able to grasp quickly all the non-criminal aspects of a case.”
  • Best Lawyers – Best lawyer in France – Criminal Defense – 2024
  • Décideurs Leaders League: ranked in Criminal Law (2021) and in Criminal Health Law (2020) as “strong reputation”.
  • Option Droit & Affaires Litigation ranking (May 2019 - May 2023) in the category law firms in corporate criminal law and AMF sanction cases (2 stars).
  • Le Palmarès du Droit 2022: Golden Award in Compliance.
  • Le Palmarès du Droit 2022: Silver Award in White collar defence.
  • Le Point, Top Law Firms 2023: Compliance.
  • Acritas Star™ Lawyer – Litigation and Regulatory – 2020 and 2021


  • Article: "La sobriété normative, un instrument essentiel pour la compétitivité", Analyses sectorielles, Europe, Magazine de l’ENA, April 2024
  • Article: Revirement jurisprudentiel en matière d’abus de confiance - LJA | La Lettre des Juristes d'Affaires, Lettre des Juristes d’affaires, March 2024
  • Guide Chambers Anti-Corruption 2024 – Global Practice Guide: “France Trends and Development”, Fabien Ganivet, Chambers & Partners 2024
  • Contribution au Business & Legal review: "D’une guerre économique à une souveraineté coopérative, la lutte contre la corruption est l’affaire de tous". Fabien Ganivet, DLA Piper in BLR N°9 - May11, 2023
  • “Proposition de Directive européenne sur le devoir de vigilance des entreprises en matière de durabilité" Les Echos, 23 February 2023
  • Chambers Anti-corruption 2023 Global Practice Guide, “France’s stance against corruption and the wider group of offences that fall within the scope of “integrity” has been reinforced significantly over the past decade”, Chambers & Partners, November 2022
  • Article: De la loi Sapin 2 à Sapin 3, Supplément de la Lettre des Juristes d’Affaires, 18 July 2022
  • Contribution: chapitre "France - Whistleblowing Laws in Europe: an international guide", DLA Piper, June 2022
  • Article: "La France renforce son arsenal juridique en matière d’alertes: zoom sur 3 changements clés", Lexology, 30 June 2022
  • Contribution: chapitre "France - Global bribery offenses guide", 11 January 2022
  • Contribution: chapitre "France - Whistleblowing Laws in Europe: an international guide", December 2021
  • Article: "Four years of the Sapin II Law: Lessons learned and what's to come", 5 October 2021
  • Article: Revirement de jurisprudence en matière de responsabilité pénale des personnes morales dans le contexte d'une fusion-absorption (Cass. crim., 25 novembre 2020, n°18-86.955), (LJA) Les Echos Executives, Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine, March 2021
  • Vidéo: "Compliance et démocratie, Business Légal Forum", 14 October 2021
  • Vidéo: "10èmes Dialogues de l'Inclusion et de la RSE" May 2021
  • Article: "Revirement de jurisprudence en matière de responsabilité pénale des personnes morales dans le contexte d'une fusion-absorption" (Cass. crim., 25 novembre 2020, n°18-86.955), (LJA) Les Echos Executives, Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine, March 2021
  • Article: "Publication des nouvelles recommandations de l’Agence française anticorruption", DLA Piper Insights, January 2021


  • Conférence France-Amériques : « Juristes d’entreprise et secret professionnel » 23 September 2024
  • Speaker for the GACS (Global anticorruption & Compliance Summit) 2024, April 4 2024, Paris.
  • Symposium Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2024, conference : « Intelligence artificielle et conformité : Nouveaux risques, nouvelles opportunités ? », April 2024, Paris
  • Conference “The Criminal responsibility of the Head of State: a comparison between France and the USA”. Speaker: Fabien Ganivet, alongside Anne Deysine and Marie-Anne Cohendet, Cercle France-Amériques - February 2024, Paris
  • France-USA, conference : « La responsabilité pénale du chef d'Etat : approche comparée entre la France et les Etats-Unis ». Speakers : Fabien Ganivet aux côtés d'Anne Deysine et Marie-Anne Cohendet – February 2024, Paris.
  • Conference « Devoir de vigilance - Législation française, proposition de directive européenne, lignes directrices de l'OCDE : Quels sont les enjeux et les impacts pour les entreprises ? » Speakers : Fabien Ganivet, Ariane Fleuriot, Kathryn Dovey, OCDE-OCDE, Lioubov Ilet, Navex, Lydia Méziani, Nestlé, Luis Quinonero, L'Oréal – October 2023, Paris.
  • Symposium Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2023 – “La lutte anti-corruption: l’affaires de tous!”. Speaker: F. Ganivet, alongside Didier Migaud, President of the Haute Autorité pour la transparence de la vie publique (French authority for the transparency in the public sector), Stéphanie Bigas-Reboul, Deputy Director of Control at the Agence Française Anticorruption (French Anticorruption Agency) and Patrick Lefas, President of Transparency International France, April 2023
  • Round table discussion "CJIP, vers de nouveaux équilibres dans les négociations". F. Ganivet, alongside Jean-François Bohnert, Head of Parquet National Financier, Claire Olive-Lorthioir, Administrator of Cercle Montesquieu, and other panelists, Lettre des juristes d’affaires, March 2023
  • Conference-debate "Trente années de responsabilité pénale des personnes morales: enjeux et perspectives pour les entreprises et leurs dirigeants" (Speakers David Chilstein, Professor at Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne, Emmanuel Dupic, Compliance and Ethic Director, Dassault Group, with F. Ganivet, P. Stasse and S. Koski), February 2023
  • Conférence-débat: Cinq ans après l’entrée en vigueur de la loi Sapin II: bilan, enjeux et perspectives, DLA Piper France, 30 June 2022
  • Conférence: La compétition internationale en matières juridique et judiciaire, Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature, 9 March 2022
  • Colloque: Nouvelles Tendances de la Compliance pour 2022 – Révision de la Loi Sapin II, lanceurs d’alertes, enquêtes internes, contrôles AFA, Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne, 24 February 2022
  • Conférence: Compliance, Démocratie & Géopolitique, Business & Legal Forum, 14 October 2021
  • Conférence: L’extraterritorialité du droit, vecteur d’influence stratégique?, Cercle France-Amériques, 14 December 2020
  • Conférence organisée par Business & Legal Forum (intervenant à la table ronde) "Compétitivité à l’heure de la crise. ESG, Compliance, Ethique, concurrence: et si les standards de l’UE devenaient extraterritoriaux?", October 2020
  • Intervenant lors de la conférence organisée par DLA Piper et l’AmCham "20ème anniversaire du Baromètre AmCham-Bain", February 2020
  • Intervenant lors de la conférence organisée dans le cadre du Business & Legal Forum 2019 (table ronde) "Cérémonie des Plumes et Caméras de l'économie & du droit", October 2019

Prior Experience

Fabien started his career in the French Judiciary (Deputy Public Prosecutor in Paris and Nanterre) before assuming several responsibilities for the French State (Advisor to the President of the National Assembly, Legal Affairs Advisor to the Minister of Homeland Security and to the Minister of Defense). Having joined the private sector, he has worked within a French and an American law firms, as well as within a group ethics and compliance department of a leading global energy company. In parallel, Fabien has had different teaching activities, in particular at Sciences-Po.
