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14 November 20245 minute read

Funds World

The Future of Funds, the Funds of the Future

14 November 2024, 09:00 – 14:00 CET

On 14 November, we are hosting our first-ever Funds World conference at the Philharmonie, Luxembourg.

Funds World is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the latest industry trends, insights, opportunities, and challenges. Prepare to be at the forefront as our expert panels explore the dynamic shifts within the fund industry, unveil the next wave of fund innovation, and examine the global economy’s role in forging our financial future.

Register now to secure your place at this exclusive event – we look forward to welcoming you.

If you have any questions, please contact the IM&F sector team.

The investment management world is coming to Luxembourg – don’t miss out!


8:30 - 9:00
Registration & Coffee

9:00 - 9:30
Welcome & Introduction

Setting the scene - The Evolution of Funds: Past, Present, and Future

1. Funds as a funding tool are as old as humanity, but the needs and techniques are evolving.

2. Amidst an increasingly complex geopolitical landscape, investment funds are more essential than ever in tackling the world's most pressing challenges. By bridging gaps in connectivity, promoting decarbonization, or advancing the digital agenda, investment funds will be pivotal in financing the next wave of global economic growth. Cf Draghi Report

3. Guided by expert speakers and panellists coming from a variety of horizons, we will discuss today:

  • What the future economic outlook looks like and how financing will be deployed tomorrow.
  • How disruptive innovations are impacting the future investment funds models and investment strategies.
  • How funds can be the right conduit to tackle tomorrow challenges and opportunities.

Let's embark to envision the bold new possibilities for the funds industry.

9:30 - 10:00
Market Insights: The Next Odyssey of Your Business Model

1. Global Shifts in Fund Management: Focus on broader economic and technological changes shaping the future of our world and fund management.

2. Impact of Technology and AI: Address the rapid acceleration of AI and automation in services and on financial services. How global markets can adopt and adapt to these shifts?

3. Positioning Fund Managers for the Future: Global perspectives: how fund managers worldwide need to pivot to handle these changes? How funds will play a crucial role as natural connectors (in a world threatened by limitations to free trade, free movement of capital and free movement of people which have been the foundations of post-WWII prosperity).

10:00 - 10:50
Pioneer the Next Funds Era: The Future of Funds – Cross perspectives

1. Disruptive Innovations Shaping the Future of Funds – Impact of innovation on funds' business model (and funds service providers):

  • Discuss how technological advancements like blockchain, tokenisation of funds, AI and digital and platforms can streamline fund operations, reduce costs, and offer transparency.
  • Discuss how this could reshape retail investment strategies and lowering barriers to entry and simplify the investment management processes. (supply chain digitisation)
  • Discuss the role of regulators in fostering innovation

2. Funding innovation – The role of investment funds:

  • Discuss the role of investment funds in funding innovation (AI, data centers infrastructure funds, funds investing in blockchain and technology…)
  • Highlight successful global case studies of fund models that are revolutionising investment structures
  • Discuss what LPs expect from their GPs in relation to innovation?

10:50 - 11:20
Coffee Break

11:20 - 12:10
No Future Without Funds: The Funds for the Future

Take a deep dive into tomorrow's key challenges and what funds can bring to address them, including funding/financing the real economy, fostering socio-ecological transition, funding the pension gap, etc.

1. Navigating Global Demographic Shifts: The world is aging, and international markets face significant pension gaps. Discuss how funds can serve as a solution, for global capital to be directed into long-term investments in aging economies (ETF, Retailisation, draw a parallel with the US).

2. Preserving our Planet, Sustainable Funding on a Global Scale. Discuss how funds can address the pressing need for sustainable finance worldwide.

3. Bridging borders: The pivotal role of investment funds in addressing regulatory fragmentation. Regulatory fragmentation remains one of the biggest challenges for the global fund industry. Discuss how funds can support global players bridge gaps in fragmented regulations and taxation, by fostering cross-border investments and facilitating capital flows.

4. Impact on Asset Classes. Discuss the impact of the above challenges and opportunities in terms of asset classes?

12:10 - 12:30
Closing Session: The Funds of the Future

1. Sketch the main characteristics of the investment fund of the future

How is it different from today’s funds? Are they retail alternative funds, infrastructure or healthcare funds, virtual/crypto funds, or pension funds? Who are the investors? Could they be distributed via blockchain? What will they look like, and what will their objectives be?

2. We all have a role to play to spread the word -  Investor Education: The role of education and investor knowledge is paramount in preparing fund managers and investors worldwide for the future.

12:30 - 14:00
Networking Lunch
