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31 March 20224 minute read

Projects Global Insight Issue 5, 2022

Welcome to the new issue of the Project GlobalInsights 2022. In some areas of the globe we are nowseeing a gradual loosening of restrictions triggeredby the COVID-19 pandemic, and stakeholders andgovernments across the world continue to focus ontransport, infrastructure and clean energy investmentsto boost economic activities.

Our Coronavirus Resource Center continues to provideadvice on force majeure in supply chains, employmentmatters, and other coronavirus-related issues. Forfurther insight on how infrastructure, transport andconstruction are adjusting to the changes broughtabout globally by the COVID-19 pandemic, subscribe tothe DLA Piper Infrastructure Podcast here. Additionally,the DLA Piper Project Simulator (DPS) is now beingoffered in-person again for those who are returningto the office and looking for valuable team-buildingactivities as well as virtually. DPS enables participantsto replicate real-life circumstances of risk and projectdistress management – which is highly relevant inthe current global climate. If you are interested inscheduling a simulation session or would like to find outmore, please contact dps@dlapiper.com

With rising awareness around Sustainability and ESG, contributing to a sustainable future is more important than ever. DLA Piper has been actively working towards building its image as a legal firm at the forefront of sustainable strategy. Our big win for projects in the context of the ENR sector was being selected as legal services provider for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which took place in Glasgow in November. On this page you will find links to COP26 related activity – events you can be part of, insights on the COP26 pillars, and details of what we were doing in Glasgow.

DLA Piper has signed a corporate power purchase agreement as part of DLA Piper’s drive to reach its decarbonatisation targets. We are the first law firm anywhere in the world to undertake a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). The PPA is a major milestone in DLA Piper’s journey to decarbonise and follows the firm’s announcement committing to halve its greenhouse gas emissions in absolute terms by 2030.

In this issue of the PGI we will discuss several aspects of a sustainable future.

Our first insight takes us to the UK. We provide an in-depth analysis of the decarbonization of European transport, focusing on key features and challenges in three key transportation subsectors: aviation, rail and shipping. We explore how corporates and investors plan to cut emissions, their ambitions and investment plans, and the impact of government policy and new technologies. We also examine the steps they are considering as they look to optimize their investments and minimize risk.

We then review the new decommissioning liabilities for the oil and gas industry in Australia. In recent years the focus of the Australian government has turned to managing declining production and preparing to decommission offshore facilities, wells and pipelines. Recent events provide a case study of what can go wrong in decommissioning. However, the government’s review also identified a number of areas for improvement.

We also explore the potential rise of SESG and key industry sectors in Latin America. In our article we discuss that business growth in Latin America will be led by digitally driven sectors, which will be the fastest growing segments over the next five years, followed closely by the infrastructure and construction, life sciences and healthcare, and cannabis sectors. Industry-wide SESG strategies are now a major topic of conversation.

Following that, we look at Green Hydrogen in Chile. The article presents new legislation framework adopting depolarization and transition to clean energy, explains where we stand globally regarding energy supply and discusses the importance of the National Green Hydrogen Strategy.

We then arrive at our final stop – the US, where we consider the opportunities and challenges that are likely to be thrown up by the Biden plan, the ambitious, long-awaited infrastructure plan presented by the Biden Administration in March 2021 known as the American Jobs Plan.

We hope you enjoy this edition of PGI and we welcome your comments and suggestions for future topics. Get in touch at fp-enquiry@dlapiper.com.

Download the full issue of Projects Global Insight.